projection solids in circle on a sphere
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7879.8 In reply to 7879.7 
Hi Chipp, maybe you've got it right there - and yes like Chipp says above MoI is not designed to work with polygon mesh type objects, which is why it does not have a built in OBJ importer.

If you're trying to make a workflow where you're trying to import OBJ polygon data into MoI and then work on it inside of MoI, that's probably not going to work very well unless your objects are very simple. CAD systems don't expect to have surfaces diced up into many hundreds of thousands of little flat facets, CAD systems expect for things like a sphere to be made up of one actual curved sphere surface, for example.

You would want to use a polygon mesh editing program to work on OBJ data polygon mesh data, not MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  gui
7879.9 In reply to 7879.8 
yeah that was indeed FROM photoshop to MoI...
Now that you mentionned the difference between OBJ and nurbs, the whole thing makes a lot of sense.. My problem is that the OBJ from photoshop is a circular text that I need to edit pretty often to build the 3D model (for print purpose). Maybe a nurbs oriented software could allow me to generate such an object, so I can continue to work with MoI ? because if not I'll have to find another 3D software, and I would really feel good sticking with MoI...

anyway, thank you a lot for your time and patience =)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7879.10 In reply to 7879.9 
Hi gui, it is possible to construct something like that in MoI, but since you already have what you want in polygon form it still may be more practical for you to use a polygon editing program to work on it rather than using MoI.

If you do want to use MoI, you would use the "Draw solid > Text" to create a line of text, then to bend it you would need to draw a horizontal line running along that text, and then draw a circle, then select the text and run the Transform > Deform > Flow tool to warp the text onto the circle shape. You would do that by selecting the text, then running the Flow command, then picking the line running along the text as the base line for Flow, then select the circle for the target curve.

See here for an example:

There's also a plug-in that can help with this kind of deformation called UnwrapCurve, you can get it from here:

The way UnwrapCurve can help is that you can draw your circle first, and then select it and run UnwrapCurve to get a line that's the same length as the circle's circumference, then you can arrange your text along the line and know where each letter will go on the circle when it gets warped onto it.

MoI is not particularly specialized for text handling though, it doesn't have stuff to adjust letter spacing or things like that, so if that's what you were using in Photoshop again it may be easier for you to do it in a polygon editing program and not in MoI.

- Michael
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