New possibilities (.3dm)
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 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
776.2 In reply to 776.1 
This response is intended for every M.O.I. user,

what Peter is specifically pointing your attention toward here in this thread could be ~extremely important~ to each of us here very soon.

Peter and I are both already very familiar with the enormous potential of having Roman Ormandy (Founder and C.E.O. of Caligari Corp.) adopt the 3DM import/export format used by both M.O.I. and Rhino as a standard within his next release of Caligari trueSpace. If you haven't yet examined the ENORMOUS strides in trueSpace development over the last year I would highly recommend you look into these things very soon (at ) because of the very "timing-sensitive nature" of this 3DM format announcement from Roman Ormandy referred to above by Peter.

At the time of my writing this reply which you are now reading, it was only four hours ago that Roman stated (in the thread linked above here) at the Caligari Community Forums that he would be willing to adopt this 3DM format for the upcoming trueSpace release if there are enough people who want it, but unfortunately he has long ago limited the Forum Posting Ability at his Community Forums strictly to existing Caligari Customers, so he has no idea accordingly how YOU as M.O.I. (and additionally some of you as Rhino) Customers currently may feel about this potential 3DM import/export format adoption within trueSpace and what that could mean to each of you here personally.

Accordingly, while I don't want to turn this thread into a "trueSpace Evangelical Mission" I would like to offer you all an opportunity to tell Mr. Ormandy ~directly~ right here in THIS thread what this potential 3DM format adoption would mean to you personally as M.O.I. (and for some of you as Rhino) users.

If I feel your related responses here in this regard are both noteworthy and respectful I will forward either them or the link to this particular thread directly to Roman's private e-mail address, providing you with a clear voice at the very highest level of the Caligari Corporation regarding a "format marriage" of M.O.I., trueSpace, and Rhino, which you otherwise unfortunately lack at the moment due in part to the current Caligari Customer Forum Posting Policy.

Here's a chance for each of you personally to bring two huge and wonderful Communities together by affecting directly the one specific issue which currently keeps the two apart.

In preparing your related message to Mr. Ormandy I strongly suggest you at least first familiarize yourself somewhat with his latest "trueSpace7.51" product (at ) prior to formulating your specific response as to what this "3DM Format Adoption" would actually mean to all of us in these two great 3D Communities and more specifically to you personally, and I'd like to thank you in advance for your related consideration.

Lets make this happen folks, it would be absolutely wonderful for all of us, a genuine "win-win" opportunity.

Thanks everybody, and thank you Peter for bringing this all up here in the first place!

- 3dvisuals dude

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 From:  rayman
776.3 In reply to 776.2 
Thank you very much 3dvisuals dude for the explanation and for the kind words .
As you guys know there is only a limited amount of
applications that render the wonderfull nurbs creations from
Mois 3d well (and as smooth as they are)... this would be another oportunity !
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