option to remove view icons from viewport

 From:  arquebus
hello, I Made this suggestion before, and would like to mention it again before you go to v1.0, can you please make an option to remove the view icons in the viewport. You gave me the option of removing the html file, at that works, but there are probably other people who are bothered by always hitting these icons as I am who dont know about that. The mouse options work fine, there is no good reason to have the icons inside the viewport. And an icon for reset is something that will never get used anyway. I can see an icon for frame all, but reset to original view?

also, is there an expiration date on this beta MoI programs?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
773.2 In reply to 773.1 
< also, is there an expiration date on this beta MoI programs?
See Help/ About Moi : 25 September :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
773.3 In reply to 773.1 
Hi Arquebus, so far it just hasn't come up very much... Maybe just about twice or so during the entire last year. My guess is that if it was annoying to a larger number of people I should have heard more about it by this point, but maybe not...

> And an icon for reset is something that will never get used anyway.

I certainly use it a lot. It's the easiest way to zoom in on one selected object since it also sets the pivot point and makes rotating around that object work properly.

> I can see an icon for frame all, but reset to original view?

It normally is used for frame all or frame selected, toggling between the 2 of those. Right-click on it will apply it to all viewports. It will only reset to the original view if you have no objects in your scene, when there would be nothing to frame.

> also, is there an expiration date on this beta MoI programs?

Yes, the last beta release expires on Sept 25th.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
773.4 In reply to 773.3 
I use reset a lot as well.

I've run into the same problem where I'm trying to drag or adjust something at the extreme bottom of the viewport and the buttons pop up getting in the way - yes, you do have to stop what you're doing and readjust - I've just learned to accept it.

Granted, perhaps if MOI maintained a flag "Dragging" for example while moving or manipulating an object, then when the cursor gets within the widget area, if that flag is TRUE perhaps the display of the buttons could be temporarily suspended?...

Another option could be to hover your cursor over that area for a specified time but that doesn't guarantee that won't happen while manipulating something at the extreme bottom of the viewport PLUS that slows you down waiting for the widgets to display - definitely not a elegant solution IMO.

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 From:  Val (GAT)
I found the icons in the view to be getting in the way as well when using the keyboard I think this is something to be considered as an option in user preferences.
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 From:  3dvisuals dude (ODWYERVISUALS)
I for one love the way these icons work just as they are.

Sure, it takes a second to re-adjust things sometimes when you happen to drag over the spots occupied by the icons but you get so used to it when you model alot in MOI that it simply becomes something you either accept (as I do) or set up your scene beforehand to avoid. For me it's no big deal at all and I punch out tons of models mothly in MOI, well, at least 40 a month for sure.

I use the "reset" icon constantly in my workflow as either a "frame all" (when nothing is selected beforehand) or as a handy "frame selected" function. These actually feel very intuitive to me in my workflow and I love them as they are.

If this existing method does change much I'm not so sure I'd welcome the change unless it were just a matter of users being able to "switch off" these features which I enjoy and apparently you do not.

- 3dvisuals dude
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