Edges crease marks on .obj exports
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7376.4 In reply to 7376.3 
Hi delic - things like that happen because of localized refinement in the mesh, the way the mesher works is it starts with a somewhat rougher uniformly spaced mesh and then subdivides any areas of that rough mesh where normals are further apart than the angle tolerance that you pick. If the surface is curved in different amounts on either side of a sharp crease it's possible for some refinement to be added more on one side than the other and you'll see stuff like that.

So it's just sort of a normal side effect from how meshing works in general - being able to add localized density just to areas that are more highly curved allows the mesh to have more density just in more tightly curved areas. If there were no levels of shifts in subdivisions (which would then continue edge loops as you are looking for) it would become very difficult to capture small curved details in things with a uniformly divided mesh.

Overall MoI's mesher is more oriented around making a mesh that is going to render well with a lower polygon count, it's not focused on trying to make sub-d smoothing friendly topology and so it's not trying to do things like make long edge loops like you may be used to if you have been focused on doing sub-d modeling.

- Michael
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 From:  delic
7376.5 In reply to 7376.4 
Thanks a lot Michael, again the answer is very clear.

I must say that the exported meshes are really good for rendering.
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