UnwrapCurve script error
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
7125.4 In reply to 7125.3 
sorry, i thought it got something to do with unintentional blank spaces, but that was just my imagination..

update: may be you've got (white)space in front of the command..

EDITED: 14 Dec 2014 by MARCO

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7125.5 In reply to 7125.3 
Hi Gunter, is it possible you didn't unzip the files?

The other possibly way you could get a script error message like that is if UnwrapCurve was not recognized as an installed command. When MoI does not recognize the text as a command name it will also try to execute it as script code and you would get that type of script error that you show.

But in order to get that there would need to be some problem with the installation - either files not unzipped or files copied into some other folder like /ui rather than /commands, so double check that...

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
7125.6 In reply to 7125.1 
Hi Gunter

Place a vertical ruler or business card vertically just in front of your U, and see that it intersects between the n and the c in
ReferenceError. This means that you have a space in front of your U, in your shortcut. (On Windows 7 anyway, Mac might be different?) So get rid of the space.

( I now use _UnwrapCurve style.)

- Brian
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 From:  bemfarmer
7125.7 In reply to 7125.6 
Hi Gunter

I would go back and double check the spelling, including no spaces, even re-enter the names in /commands and shortcuts, even though they look right.

Do other scripts have the same problem?

Also, I wonder if an old Moi.ini file, or something? is pointing to the wrong subdirectory somewhere?

- Brian
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 From:  gunter511
Thank you all but I've checked everything.

UnwrapCurve - no space before it. Tried _UnwrapCurve - made no difference.

The files automatically unzip when I download them to my mac. I copy both files to the correct folder. Also, I make sure Moi3d is closed when I copy the files.

Still baffled..

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 From:  gunter511
Another thought... this only happened after I downloaded the latest version of moi v2.... v2.52

Before this UnwrapCurve worked fine.

Just thought I'd let you know..

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 From:  bemfarmer
7125.10 In reply to 7125.9 
Hi Gunter.

Do all of your other shortcut keys work properly? I would try to disable a different one, say SineWave, by misspelling it in
the Commands folder say as SSSineWave, and seeing if it disables. This would indicate the wrong Commands folder???


Note that the UnwrapCurve names all have to be spelled the same, without leading or trailing spaces.

In the Commands folder:
UnwrapCurve.htm (not .html)

Under Shortcuts:
Key: (for example U), Command: UnwrapCurve

- Brian

Edit: I still think it is whitespace :-)

EDITED: 14 Dec 2014 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7125.11 In reply to 7125.9 
Hi Gunter, I tested UnwrapCurve over here with v2.52 on OSX myself and it's working fine for me...

One other thing to check - when you downloaded UnwrapCurve.zip, the automatic unzipper thing probably made a folder named "UnwrapCurve" with the 2 files contained inside of it.

When you copied things over to the commands folder, did you possibly copy the folder named "UnwrapCurve"? If so then that's the problem - MoI won't find the files if they are contained in some sub-folder, the 2 command files have to be present directly inside the commands folder and not nested in some additional folder structure inside of it.

I'm not sure of what else to tell you , other than to triple check the shortcut and that the files are copied as they need to be.

- Michael
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 From:  gunter511
7125.12 In reply to 7125.10 
Hi Brian,

I tested ReconstructCurve and that also does not work. The other commands seem to work.

Here is where I pasted my files..

I wish it was whitespace but it's not...

Still stuck but thanks.


EDITED: 15 Jul by GUNTER511

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 From:  gunter511
7125.13 In reply to 7125.11 
Hi Michael,

I copied only the files not the folder.

What is odd is that the Reconstructcurve command also does not work. Please see the snapshots of where I pasted the files and
my shortcut menu.

I even tried deleting moi and reinstalling it. That didn't work either.

Stumped but thanks.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7125.14 In reply to 7125.13 
Hi Gunter, do you possibly have OSX installed on a "case-sensitive" disk partition?

If so then maybe try making your shortcut say UnwrapCurve (note the capital letter C in Curve), right now you have Unwrapcurve with lower case c...

Just grasping at straws here...

- Michael
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 From:  gunter511
7125.15 In reply to 7125.14 
Hi Michael,

I just changed the C to caps.

Same deal :(

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 From:  gunter511
Michael, Brian et.al.

You're all going to want to throttle me!

I feel like a complete ass.

I finally figured it out. What happened was when I downloaded moi again, I clicked on the moi.app icon and then just right clicked to keep it in the dock. I did not
physically drag it into the applications folder. Since it was in my dock, I assumed it was in the applications folder.

Now, after downloading it, I dragged it into the Applications folder and then tried it. It works.

I'm so sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Apologies. And thank you all for your super prompt support.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7125.17 In reply to 7125.16 
No problem Gunter, I'm glad you've got it working now!

- Michael
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 From:  gunter511
7125.18 In reply to 7125.17 
Thanks Michael!
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