
 From:  dagobert
I d like to be able to add point but also to remove it. When i add a point a snap between the 2 point around it would be cool and also the ability to keep the shape( actually adding point distort the shape a bit). and a selection of row or column. thats the only tool i miss. after i found the tool realy nice.
with the ability to use ref image, and an iges exporter and stl too, i will be able to do a lot with it.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
71.2 In reply to 71.1 
> I d like to be able to add point but also to remove it.

Select the point and use delete to do this.

> When i add a point a snap between the 2 point around it would be cool
> and also the ability to keep the shape( actually adding point distort the
> shape a bit).

Yeah, right now when you add a point, it produces the same result as if you had used the Curve/Control points tool to draw it with those new points, which alters the shape.

There is a secondary mode to adding points, you can add a point to a curve that does not have control points turned on, it will add a point to the curve without modifying the shape, instead the control points will be shifted around a bit in that general area where you clicked. This mode of "add directly to curve" is also available when points are turned on, but the other mode of adding a point in between the hull of two existing points takes preference - but if you move the mouse nearby the curve where it is not close to a control point hull line, you can snap on to the curve and do it then too. It is easier to turn points off to make sure it will grab on to the curve instead of the hull though. Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

Use the "repeat" check box if you want to add many points.

> and a selection of row or column.

This one will probably be a little bit longer.

> the ability to use ref image, and an iges exporter and stl

These are getting pretty high in priority, it shouldn't be too much longer before these get done.

- Michael
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 From:  dagobert
71.3 In reply to 71.2 
> When i add a point a snap between the 2 point around it would be cool
> and also the ability to keep the shape( actually adding point distort the
> shape a bit).

Yeah, right now when you add a point, it produces the same result as if you had used the Curve/Control points tool to draw it with those new points, which alters the shape.

There is a secondary mode to adding points, you can add a point to a curve that does not have control points turned on, it will add a point to the curve without modifying the shape, instead the control points will be shifted around a bit in that general area where you clicked. This mode of "add directly to curve" is also available when points are turned on, but the other mode of adding a point in between the hull of two existing points takes preference - but if you move the mouse nearby the curve where it is not close to a control point hull line, you can snap on to the curve and do it then too. It is easier to turn points off to make sure it will grab on to the curve instead of the hull though. Let me know if this doesn't make sense.

Use the "repeat" check box if you want to add many points.
>>i find a way to add the point where i want whithout destroying the shape . It s to use the trim tool : cutting pieces then rejoining pieces add point where i want, the only trouble is that you only get corner >>point.maybe it s possible to add something like an option in trim tool : so that the trim only add point?and something else to smooth corner point?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
71.4 In reply to 71.3 
> and something else to smooth corner point?

To add a smooth point without changing the shape of the curve, use the same "Add pt" tool, but make sure the curve you click the point on has its edit points turned off. Turn them back on after you have added your points.

You can also add a corner point to a curve in this same way, by checking that option.

When you are in "Add pt" and you click directly on a curve (instead of on the line between two control points), you will insert a point in the general area that you clicked on but keep the shape of the curve exactly the same.

- Michael
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