a possible feature request

 From:  boatstalker

Being geared towards building from sheet material one the most interesting feature from my point of view is the abiltity to being able to split up (to a configurable resolution, either longitudinally or vertically) and unroll, unfold or flatten out surfaces created. However I am not sure this feature should belong to MoI if the intent is to keep it simple. Also implenting this kind of a function might possibly involve a little too much or too complex or time consuming programming??

What your opinion on this?

All the best,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
688.2 In reply to 688.1 
Hi Boatstalker - yes, I'm afraid that's probably not something that I'm going to be able to focus on for quite a long time. It's just kind of outside of the scope of what I plan on doing for MoI in the near future.

Eventually when MoI supports third party plug-ins, that would probably open up the door for someone else adding this type of functionality in. But it is going to be a while before I can even get to enabling third party plugins.

I myself just don't have a lot of background in that type of unrolling processes. I could learn how to do it, but it would take quite a bit of time to do a good job.

You're probably already familiar with other software that does these types of calculations...

- Michael
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 From:  boatstalker
688.3 In reply to 688.2 

You are right. This doesn´t have much to do with 3D modeling and is such an advanced or specialized function it should be sold as a 3rd party plugin thing. By the way, my instinct tells me somewhere some creative people are already preparing themselves to develop all kinds of plug-ins for MoI :-)

All the best,

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