A feature request
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 From:  WillBellJr
686.10 In reply to 686.9 
Well I guess that's one vote for a realtime GUI when performing curve booleans...

--------- M.G. Wrote:
The thing is that the current method that involves selecting and pushing done is just more general purpose...

I mean, what happens if you want to boolean some curves that are imported from an IGES or AI file instead of ones that you immediately draw? Should the "draw boolean mode" setting also change the way that file opening works? What if you only want to boolean out 2 of the imported curves instead of all of them?

Does LWCAD have a way to deal with this? I mean do they have 2 sets of boolean tools, one for "real time" drawing booleans and then a completely different one for select-existing-curve booleans?

WOW, I didn't even think about trying to boolean curves opened from an existing file - these tools are strictly for entity creation and drawing

Watching the LWCAD boolean video, I could immediately envision creating things like these City Block objects for my games and stuff: http://www.cornucopia3d.com/purchase.php?item_id=3241

I could see myself creating some really cool cityscapes using MOI by Quick Boolean'ing together shapes in prep for extrusions, lofts and sweeps etc.

I certainly wouldn't expect to try and boolean seperate files and stuff - that's scary - my suggesttion was just for creating the inital curves - hence the benefit of it being realtime.

I'd imagine for Illustrator curves and other existing stuff you'd use the present way by positioning and selected objects and specifying the boolean parameters as done now??

Again I'll admit I'm no ways a professional NURBS engineer - those STL's and stuff be scaring me and poor Lightwave! :-p (I can hardly get OBJs working in LW much less try to do any kind of serious IGES machanical stuff etc!)

So I'm thinking purely creative 3D design stuff here - obviously you need to consider the more serious side of things and how anything you add to MOI would affect those customers also...

I'm just wishing that there was simiar way in MOI to fly my curves together when I'm in a creative flow...

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 From:  rayman
I am happy the way it is .....
I loved working with moi for the last couple of days ... I am new to
it and I must say I´m hooked ....
Working with it i found three tings for the moment that I would
have liked it to have that are not included
1. A bend tool ....... preferable a version that can bend over a curve !
2. A taper tool ........ preferable a version that can scale with a curve too !
3. Import of an image (jpeg or bitmap or whatever for reference ) as a plan or map
How do you guys feel about that .......
I´m brand new to this forum ... this is my first post : )
I like it here ....
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 From:  Johnny (JOHN_A)
686.12 In reply to 686.11 
There is an image tool. You can bring in an image and set it's transparency and whether it draws over or under an object and in which view it's shown in. It's in "View" menu next to the "Edit" menu.

Can't help you with the other two....although they would be nice.


EDITED: 19 Jun 2007 by JOHN_A

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 From:  Michael Gibson
686.13 In reply to 686.11 
Hi Rayman, welcome to the forum.

Also see here for some more info on what the Image options do: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=325.1

re: bend and taper - unfortunately these are pretty difficult to do on Solids and not have different surfaces pull apart where they are joined at common edges. I don't expect to be able to do this anytime too soon, it's just takes quite a lot of work to make it work very well. Rhino version 4.0 does have some tools to do this kind of stuff, and it is easy to bring your MoI models into Rhino (they use the same file format), so for a while if you want to do those kinds of deforming operations, you'll need to do those in Rhino.

- Michael
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 From:  rayman
Didn´t know about the image options ... thank you very much for that
and for the others I understand : ) .
At first glance these were the only ones I missed
other then that I came along very well : )
Thank you for the fast reply and for the
warm welcome : )
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