Line coloring to aid differentiation.

Something that I think would be beneficial would be to allow for curves (maybe surfaces too) to be colored. This would just be cosmetic. Instead of a jumble of overlapping black curves that can't be differentiated in a 2D view, coloring them would make things obvious. I don't know what implication this would have on the file format. I don't know what should happen when you join to lines with differing colors.

Points and dashed lines between points should probably also be colored based on the curves color. Coloring the points would allow for multiple curves to have points visible with a reduced worry of accidentally selecting the control point for the wrong curve.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
678.2 In reply to 678.1 
Hi BW, this is definitely something that I want to provide in the future.

I decided not to do it for V1 mostly because it will take a while to plan the UI.

There are a few different things to worry about with object properties UI. Like for example some CAD programs allow you to set colors per individual item, but also set things on a per-layer basis as well. I'm hoping to avoid some complexities like that and just make something simple, but actually making something simple can take a lot of UI design time to make sure that it will work well. I didn't want to do something that would have to be thrown out and replaced later, so I just bailed on this area for V1.

I expect for this and object organization in general to be a big focus area of V2, it will definitely help a lot for organizing more complex scenes.

- Michael
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