Looking for advice on .stl export for object with flat curves
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6672.12 In reply to 6672.10 
Hi Michael,

> Just in general with a simple look (and in the screenshots I posted above)
> I was not able to see any of the problems that you are mentioning so that
> makes it a bit difficult to give you very good feedback about what you should do to improve it.

Ricks problem is referring to the finished product from the 3d printer the mesh from MoI is fine it's when the mesh is put through the 3d printing software which slices the model to create paths for the printer according to what resolution is set for the specific printer so it's the resulting slices that are the problem.
Like Dinos I've had no such issue with my 3d printer exporting stl files from MoI.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6672.13 In reply to 6672.12 
Hi Danny,

> it's when the mesh is put through the 3d printing software which slices the model to create
> paths for the printer according to what resolution is set for the specific printer so it's the
> resulting slices that are the problem.

Yeah when your mesh is not dense enough it's possible for some aspects of the mesh structure to come through in the final print...

In order to avoid that you need to adjust some settings to produce a dense enough mesh to avoid seeing individual polygons.

The main settings to use for that are set an Angle fairly low, but then also use the "Divide larger than" setting to force a more uniform dicing of the mesh. From what I can tell from what he wrote, Rick has not used "Divide larger than" for the output he had difficulty with. It's hard to say for sure though without more specific information from him.

- Michael
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