MOI & The Village Workshop
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
6660.3 In reply to 6660.1 
Wow - great concept. It looks like a fun venture and I hope it does well for you.

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6660.4 In reply to 6660.1 
Congratulations on setting up such a cool makerspace, it looks like a lot of fun will be had and cool things made over there!

- Michael
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 From:  beanworks
6660.5 In reply to 6660.2 
I used to live in LIvonia. Awesome!
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 From:  BurrMan
6660.6 In reply to 6660.1 
Good luck Bean,
The change will come. The pendulum will swing. If I'm ever there. I'll stop in.

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 From:  Rich_Art
6660.7 In reply to 6660.1 
Congrats... cool concept..

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  Fitz (3DARTZ)
6660.8 In reply to 6660.1 
I think that this is a great business idea. how many people sit around thinking about something that they need and can't find in a store. or an idea with no way to prototype.
Congrats on the venture!
Mike Fitz
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