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 From:  Michael Gibson
6635.2 In reply to 6635.1 
Hi eric, right now there isn't really any easy built in way to do that particular thing in MoI - I'd recommend using Rhino for that with the .xy point filter, that will then prompt you separately for the z value I think.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6635.3 In reply to 6635.2 
What entry method are you using? Picking points on a loaded image of the elevation for xy, with the z from a contour line?

I think, maybe naively, that point.js could be modified to adjust the pointpicker point to change the z value?

- Brian
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6635.4 In reply to 6635.3 
The contour lines (or other fixed points) are 2d with elevation (z) notations and I am placing the points in the correct xyz locations to create references for surfaces.
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 From:  SteveD
6635.5 In reply to 6635.4 
Hi Eric,

In the past I've done things like this by drawing the contour curves in MoI's "Top" view, in the XY plane (such that z = 0 for all the points of the contour). Then, in the "Side" or "Front" view, use the Move function (with a "perpendicular" constraint on the z axis) to move the entire contour up to the desired z elevation. Then repeat for the remaining contours.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6635.6 In reply to 6635.5 
Hi Steve ...

Thanks. Yes this is the method I use also. It does work but can be quite a bit of work.

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