building a surfboard??
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 From:  Michael Gibson
638.2 In reply to 638.1 
Hi Matt, here is one procedure that might help get you started.

To begin with, I used Draw curve / Freeform / Control points to draw one profile curve. Notice the dashed line down the center - that is a construction line that I created by doing a click + hold down and drag through the origin point. That creates a guideline that you can use to snap on to as a central axis line:

Then I mirrored that curve - these will form 2 rails that you can use for constructing a sweep.

Now for the other profile - to draw this one I switched to the front view and drew this:

Then I mirrored this, selected both pieces and mirrored again, then used Edit/Join to make a closed curve. This is the profile for the sweep.

Then select the profile, run Construct / Sweep, select the 2 rails, and that will build this shape:

So that's pretty surfboard-ish! one thing that is not quite right is that the thickness is pretty variable. It is thickest at the profile shape and reduces in thickness as it approaches either end. You may want to put in some additional sections to control that and make the thickness more even through most of the board and only allow it to taper down fairly close to the ends.

You can also add additional sections if you want to have more control over sculpting the final shape.

The resulting model file is attached here as .

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  angeliclight
638.3 In reply to 638.2 
Hey, Michael,

That was super of you to give not only a verbal description, but a step-by-step mini-tutorial as well. AND including the files was a nice touch, too.

You must live in some sort of time-space vacuum to be able to answer all that we ask and still do the dev work! Not to mention being independently wealthy to be able to keep giving away the Beta's..

As a newbie to 3D, I learned something from this one also, so thank you very much!

- A
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 From:  Michael Gibson
638.4 In reply to 638.3 
> You must live in some sort of time-space vacuum to be able to answer all
> that we ask and still do the dev work!

:) Actually, answering questions helps to keep me involved in actually using the software myself. It helps me more directly understand what things need to be tuned up. It's one of the things that helps me actually do more intelligent work.

Also it works well to answer stuff here on the forum, since many people can read posts here and benefit from them. So that also makes it a good (efficient) investment of time!

> Not to mention being independently wealthy to be able to keep giving away the Beta's..

I wish! :) That's definitely not the case, it's been really tough to make it through the last 3 1/2 years without any income, it has taken a lot of scrimping to make it happen. Hopefully it will be worth it when version 1.0 is ready!

But giving away the betas was really the best way to get things rolling.

> so thank you very much!

You're welcome!

- Michael
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 From:  Matt (MATTDZERO)
So sorry Michael, I never checked back to see your reply on this. Colin reminded me of this thread when I recently asked on another board for tips on how to build this. This is great. Thank you for your help. This makes it real easy.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
638.6 In reply to 638.5 
No problem Matt, I'm glad those old tips where still here to help! :)

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
638.7 In reply to 638.6 
I've heard of a pause....BUT 3 YEARS????? Buwahahaha.... Good one.
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