Simple extrude?...

 From:  WillBellJr
I've tried this before several ways, figured I'd ask this time - taking a simple surface, I attempt to extrude it and MOI appears to cancel the operation

The simple video of what I'm doing can be watched here (not sure how to embed or attach stuff here):

Basically I create a planar surface and go to extrude it but nothing happens.

The .3DM is here as well:

Any explanations for this is appreciated!

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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
Hi Will,
if you make the larger pentagon a plane using the planar tool then boolean subtract the inner line you get a single surface that will extrude, I think it must have something to do with the connecting lines in your way , I can't make them go away.

regards Tim.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
620.3 In reply to 620.1 
Hi Will, MoI can only extrude just a single selected surface with the extrude command. It doesn't attempt to extrude a selected object if the object is made up of multiple surfaces. This is to avoid stuff like trying to extrude something like an entire box which would make a mess.

That's what you've got in this case - your shape here is actually made up of 5 smaller surfaces that are joined by their edges to make the larger loop. You can break this into individual surfaces by selecting the joined surface, and then doing Edit/Separate. After you do you can then extrude the individual surfaces, but that will result in 5 different extruded objects.

I'd guess that you created this surface using Loft (or possibly sweep along the short line) (Edit: now I saw your video and saw it was sweep)? You probably should avoid that for these types of totally flat shapes, instead use Construct / Planar, which will build a single trimmed planar surface out of those curves.

And actually if you're going to be extruding it, you can skip building the face entirely because extrude has the equivalent of Planar already built into it. Just select the outside and inside curve and run Extrude directly - it knows to make holes for curves nested inside each other.

Let me know if you need any more details!

- Michael


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 From:  Michael Gibson
620.4 In reply to 620.2 
> if you make the larger pentagon a plane using the planar tool
> then boolean subtract the inner line

Hi Tim, this was definitely the right idea - just one tip I'd add is that you can select both the outside and the inner curves when you run Planar (or Extrude directly), and that will let you skip the boolean step.

Planar and extrude both can process multiple curves in one go, they know how to make cavities or holes for inner nested loops.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
620.5 In reply to 620.4 
Okay thanks guys, I knew it was something I was doing wrong, just didn't know what!

It's these kinds of "best practices" that get me every now and then with NURBS modeling - I attempted to do that several ways, I was even going to try just extruding the two curves but wasn't sure if it would "close" them into a face during the extrude. In fact, I think I tried it that way once before (with the last beta) but perhaps I didn't pay attention to the available options for closing them together...

Back to playing around - thanks again!

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