New user: problems with a fillet
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 From:  Will (ALTAIC)
6150.20 In reply to 6150.19 
Ah, I didn't realize the new beta added that. Excellent!

I know the preselection causes automatic command execution for some commands, which is great. It was just baffling when the command pane appeared and suddenly vanished without completion for no apparent reason. Anyway, the new UI you mentioned should help with that.

As a suggestion for the done button, perhaps when the command starts execution, change the text to "Calculating..." and disable the button so it doesn't respond to clicks.

Edit: Actually, an approach more consistent with typical UI would be to immediately change the entire content of the pane to a progress view. Even if a progress bar or percentage is not doable and it just displays "Calculating..." and a cancel button, the content switch makes sense. Usually one expects clicking done or cancel to immediately close the pane or transition to a new content view. Just my $0.02.


EDITED: 18 Sep 2013 by ALTAIC

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6150.21 In reply to 6150.20 
Hi Will,

> Edit: Actually, an approach more consistent with typical UI would be to immediately change
> the entire content of the pane to a progress view.

Sounds pretty good, but one complication is that there are also many commands that need to show some kind of an "in progress" indicator (like "Calculating..." does currently) while you're still inside the command, for commands that have options that you can adjust before finishing the command. Like for example the Fillet command lets you enter in a radius and then starts off the calculation, but when the calculation is finished you're still in the fillet command and can change the radius again (and get "Calculating..." again) before you actually finish the command.

That's why the current "Calculating..." mechanism is more like something that gets added in to whatever UI is currently showing rather than only being a final screen.

- Michael
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