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 From:  Michael Gibson
6093.2 In reply to 6093.1 
Hi Andrei,

re : #1 Repairing objects

> For example I want to repair this hole (delete it and restore surface):
> But to make it I have to select all ages off this surface and delete it, than all surface restores.

That's not quite correct - you don't have to select every single edge of the surface, just all the edges of one boundary. So in your case there it's enough to select only all the edges of the outer boundary and leave all the other boundaries that are making internal holes (where you have fillets and such connected in that case) to be left alone.

> So I found solution not very nice but I have no choose. I cut only that piece that I want to restore,
> than restore it, than cut it agaiain, cut the same cut on initial surface and join them. As you can
> see it is complicated:

If you have 2 pieces that both come from the same original surface, you can do Boolean Union instead of Join, boolean union will remove connecting edges between 2 coplanar planes and also between pieces that have the exact same underlying surface.

> So my suggestion is - could you modify this mechanism of restoring surfaces so it will be possible to
> restore this hole only by deleting its edges to keep all surface from modifying.

If I understand you correctly, it already works as you are asking - for example here I can select just the outside boundary and then hit delete and it only removes that particular boundary:

So you don't have to do every single edge, you can do just one boundary if you want. But on boundaries that have multiple edges you do have to have all of the edges of the boundary selected, and on things that touch a seam edge that includes the seam edge as well.

Maybe you were thinking you had to select all because in some previous message I'd mentioned a quick way to do an untrim was to select one edge and then do Ctrl+A to select all edges - but that was for some case where there was only one outer boundary for that particular surface being used, if you want to only remove one boundary then you don't need to do select all.

re: #2
> Is it possible to make this kind of selection:
> Select first segment than second and run script to select edges between. Is it possible?

Right now it's not really possible to script that. Are those surfaces in your example joined to each other or not joined?

re: #3
> I meat it every time and have to fix it always.
> As you can see it is not loft it to point. It happens every time when point lies on the same line with profile first/last.

That's something I mentioned previously:

Are you using window selections for your cases where it's not working? If so that's the problem - it's currently easy for the auto sorter to end up with a virtual "tie" between a planar profile and a point that is also on that same plane.

I have it on my list to fix this for the next beta, but for now the solution is to not use window select for these cases, you instead need to individually click the profiles in the proper order (with the point objects selected first/last) and that should then work.

- Michael

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6093.3 In reply to 6093.2 
Michael this is what I have after restoring boundary edge, as you can see a lot of stuff was lost. So I still have to retrim and reconnect a lot of stuff.

Is it impossible for you to make this?: to restore this corner only by delete selected edge?

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>If you have 2 pieces that both come from the same original surface, you can do Boolean Union instead of Join, boolean union will remove connecting edges between 2 coplanar planes and also between pieces that have the exact same underlying surface.

Nice solution!! Just forget about it)!

>Right now it's not really possible to script that. Are those surfaces in your example joined to each other or not joined?

Yes they are joined. I wanted this script to replace partially loop selection, where loop goes wrong.

> I have it on my list to fix this for the next beta, but for now the solution is to not use window select for these cases, you instead need to individually click the profiles in the proper order (with the point objects selected first/last) and that should then work.

Yes, I select it by "select all object with the same style" script. I work with a lot of profiles so it is practically impossible to select them all one by one every time :) So have to wait next beta)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6093.4 In reply to 6093.3 
Hi Andrei,

> Is it impossible for you to make this?: to restore this corner only by delete selected edge?

It's not impossible, but it require some fairly delicate work for extending the existing edges and intersecting them with one another. I'd like to implement that in the future but it's fairly doubtful it will make it into v3.

In the meantime using boolean union on something cut from the same original surface should be helpful.

> Yes they are joined. I wanted this script to replace partially loop selection, where loop goes wrong.

That could be possible in the future too, but it's also not necessarily as easy as you might think and will take some time to work on.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6093.5 In reply to 6093.4 
Good Michael, Thank you)

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