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 From:  WillBellJr
604.15 In reply to 604.14 
Michael, is there a way you can add a function to >highlight open curves< like this?

This appears to be a common problem everyone experiences every now and then. If there was a tool that you could run that would say turn on the points at the open ends of your curves, it would give you a heads up before you attempt to create your surfaces. If you see 2 points on a curve that you feel should be closed then you immediately know something is not correct.

You could then easily press ESC to remove the points after fixing any curves that should have been closed.

Just a thought on how to eliminate this common user error...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
The problem of "closed curves" result of the fact that Buttons "snap" Grid, Straight, Object are enable or not :)
Many time you believe to close on a point but you snap the grid ! :)
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 From:  WillBellJr
604.17 In reply to 604.16 
True, but just like with some poly apps you can have them highlight open edges or polygons with a specified number of points, if there was some kind of flag or perhaps a different color for open curves vs closed curves, you could tell visually when the curves you assume to be closed are actually open...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
604.18 In reply to 604.15 
Hi Will,

> Michael, is there a way you can add a function to >highlight open curves< like this?

Here is one way - you can add a script macro that is launched by a keyboard shortcut to select all open curves. That will effectively highlight the open curves in yellow.

To do this, make sure MoI is closed, and then open up the moi.ini file using notepad. You can find moi.ini under C:\Documents and Settings\<your login name>\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini

Under the [Shortcut Keys] section, add this line (put everything for the O= on just one single long line):

[Shortcut Keys]
O=script:var curves = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getCurves(); for ( var i = 0; i < curves.length; ++i ) if ( !curves.item(i).isClosed ) curves.item(i).selected = true;

With that in place, you can then push the O key on the keyboard to select all open curves.

It's a bit difficult to think of a way to automatically highlight open curves, because there are many situations where open curves are not an error.. Like for instance in the steps I recently showed here:, there are several open curves which are fine being open.

I guess it would be good to warn not just for any open curve, but for ones that seemed like they were almost closed but not quite.

One thing that would be nice if I had a kind of "feedback" or "error" area where I could put a few lines of informative messages about warnings and other such things after a command had finished. But I haven't really figured out a good place in the UI to put stuff like that yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
604.19 In reply to 604.18 
Seems work fine !
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 From:  WillBellJr
604.20 In reply to 604.18 
Thanks Michael for the script! I'll definitely add it to the INI file asap!

Yes, I realize that some open curves are not errors, actually I felt my idea of displaying open curves in one color and and closed ones in another was a perfect solution to this; immediate feedback as to the type of curve you're working with.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
604.21 In reply to 604.20 
Hi Will,

> actually I felt my idea of displaying open curves in one color and
> closed ones in another was a perfect solution to this; immediate feedback
> as to the type of curve you're working with.

There's no doubt that it would immediately visually distinguish those types of curves. But I guess that my concern would be that someone would see that curves were being differentiated somehow but not really understand immediately what was the basis for the differences. That can kind of lead to a sort of "huh?" type feeling...

I've been pretty conservative with trying not to use too many different colors for different things because for version 2.0 I want to enable you to assign your own colors to different curves to help in visually grouping them by your own schemes.

- Michael
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