scaling rail problems

 From:  Michael (MMHS)
Hi Michael,

i am having some problems applying the scaling rail technique. Sometimes it seems to work and sometimes not. In my example on the left i have a open rail curve and a polyline as scaling rail. On the right the rail is a closed loop and the scaling rail a closed polyline. It takes a lot of time to calculate when i pick the scaling rail, but in the end it doesn't do anything. Is there a techical reason that the scaling rail wouldn't work with closed (primary) rails in general?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
603.2 In reply to 603.1 
Hi Michael, it's not the closed primary rail that is the problem, it is the sharp corners in the scaling rail.

Right now a scaling rail that has sharp corners in it will not work properly. Sometimes it may produce a kind of strange lump in the surface as in your first example, or other times it may fail to produce a proper surface at all.

For version 1.0 you'll need to use a scaling rail that is smooth through out, no sharp corners. In the future I can fix this up, it will involve splitting the sweep up into multiple segments between each sharp corner in the scaling rail.

- Michael
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