More fillet troubles...

 From:  Shazbot
Hello again guys, yet again I am stumped as to why I can't fillet something, lol. 0_0 I'm not sure however as to why it won't work this time, everything seems ok? Help is much appreciated. I am trying to do the bottom of that arched shape.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5898.2 In reply to 5898.1 
Hi Shazbot, which area are you trying to fillet and what fillet radius are you using?

Your shape is very narrow, this area here is only 0.03 units across:

Because that area is so thin, it will limit the size of fillet that can be placed there to a small value, like around 0.01 units or so. Are you maybe trying to place fillets larger than that?

One thing you should try in general when you run into fillet failures is to keep trying smaller values like go down to 1/10 or even 1/100 of the size that you were previously trying just to see what that does, it's fairly easy to misjudge how much space a particular fillet will actually eat away in the model.

On your model when I load it and don't do any alterations to it, I can make a selection like this:

And then doing a fillet of radius 0.01 gives me this result here:

You won't be able to go much larger than that, because notice how the way the fillet works is that the fillets in these areas here eat away part of that thin zone:

You will be limited to only place a fillet that's not so large that it totally eats all that area away and things from opposite sides start running into one another.

If you want to build things with a large fillet radius you would need to make the objects made up of somewhat thicker pieces so that there is actually enough room for a larger radius fillet to fit in that area of the model.

Please let me know if you were having problems with something else other than that.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5898.3 In reply to 5898.1 
Hi Shazbot, re: "I am trying to do the bottom of that arched shape." maybe it would help if you could show a screenshot pointing to the particular area. Do you mean you're trying to do only some edges around that area that I'm showing above instead of all of them? Sometimes that actually also makes things more difficult for the filleter to handle.

One thing I notice in your geometry is that the bottom of the hood part is not actually a totally flat piece, it's close to being a plane but is instead some kind of sweep or something like that rather than a plane - it generally does help if things that are close to being flat are made from trimmed planes rather than a flat sweep surface or almost-flat in this case.

- Michael
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 From:  Shazbot
5898.4 In reply to 5898.2 
Sorry, I should have been more precise, this image shows what I need to fillet, so you know, what you did works fine on my end too, just not what I am looking for. See if you can fillet this, I certainly can not.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5898.5 In reply to 5898.4 
Hi Shazbot, ok yeah I see doing just those ones are not working properly - really you haven't done anything wrong there that's some kind of bug in the fillet handling.

It may be possible to get it to work by having a bit more precise geometry though, that bottom face that looks planar is not actually made from a plane but rather some kind of sweep and it's got a slight angle to it. It generally helps when things that look like they're pretty much flat are made from precise planes rather than just swept or lofted geometry that is sort of close to being flat.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5898.6 In reply to 5898.4 
Hi Shazbot - try the attached model and that should now work for those particular fillets that you want.

I tuned up this object by separating off the hood part, and then slicing off the bottom of it with a line drawn in the Front view so that the bottom area was actually a totally flat and simple plane object rather than a sweep or whatever that was close to being a plane but not quite all the way flat.

I then did an "untrim" of the now slightly too large opening on the main body (untrim is where you select a boundary of edges and then push Delete to remove them), and then re-booleaned the hood onto the main body to make the tuned up result.

Filleting in the geometry library that MoI uses tends to be somewhat sensitive to geometry that is almost planar but just a little slightly squished around instead of actually a regular plane.

Ideally you would not have to worry about that, but it usually helps to make things that are nearly flat to actually be exactly flat planes instead of only "sort of" flat.

For ends of things it can be good to slice them off with a line drawn in a side view so that you know the end is a plane.

- Michael

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 From:  Shazbot
5898.7 In reply to 5898.5 
Ok, good to know! I guess the best way, I can think of, to do it differently would be to fillet every edge like you did, delete the unwanted faces, then boole union with the other piece, and it worked! Sometimes bugs are good because they allow you to adapt to different situations and come up with a different way of doing things. (: Thanks for the help Michael!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5898.8 In reply to 5898.7 
Hi Shazbot, yup sometimes if you can get just some fillet pieces from somewhere else it's possible to splice those into place using trimming or booleans.

That's why if the filleter failed to figure out how to finish everything up but was able to generate some fillet surfaces it will try to spit out those surfaces so you might have a chance at still using them.

Your model is coming along nicely!

- Michael
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