Mirror Move

 From:  D_Aitken92 (DAITKEN)
One of the uses of Moi at our work is building objects then exploding them to show detailed interiors and fixings etc.

This can be a tedious job and slightly fiddly when trying to select items within complex builds.

Is there a way to move multiple objects in different directions?



PS. If not! I could be implemented into the move tool, once you click move you could tick a box to select mirrored move?
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5895.2 In reply to 5895.1 
hoy david!

there is a command for that called explodemove..

...if multiple objects are selected the objects will stay whole and move apart from one another.


- marco
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 From:  D_Aitken92 (DAITKEN)
5895.3 In reply to 5895.2 
Brilliant! Thanks. This shall save me a lot of time!!

So many great features in MOI3d! Why are they all hidden away in scripts! Such a shame!
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 From:  mjs (MSHIDELER)
5895.4 In reply to 5895.3 
"So many great features in MOI3d! Why are they all hidden away in scripts! Such a shame!"

That just shows you how open MoI is about customization. MoI cannot have all the features that people find useful but leaving it open for mods via scripts the users can add awesome tools. Lots of users = lots of resources.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5895.5 In reply to 5895.3 
Hi David,

> So many great features in MOI3d! Why are they all hidden away in scripts! Such a shame!

It's important for features that are more specialized and not really frequently used to be hidden away in some manner, because otherwise if every single specialty feature becomes prominently listed in the UI, the UI becomes chock full of zillions of buttons and it then becomes difficult to use for basic tasks at that point. It's cumbersome to have to sort through 30 semi-esoteric features all the time.

So that's why various specialty type functions are not just directly embedded in the UI at the top level and are instead set up as scripts - it's an intentional strategy that helps keep the main UI to stay streamlined and easy to use.

Programs that don't do that end up becoming complex and bloated over time, I'm really focused on avoiding that kind of bloat happening with MoI.

In the future I do want to work on some mechanisms to make it easier to browse through scripts by some kind of plug-in list and have some kind of UI customization that will make them easier to access though, so eventually these kinds of functions will get a bit less hidden I think with some way to look through categories of extensions.

- Michael
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 From:  D_Aitken92 (DAITKEN)
5895.6 In reply to 5895.5 
Hi Michael,

I understand what you are saying! Defiantly agree. It's simplicity is amazing!

A list of scripts though would be fantastic! I took me quite a few months of use before I even realised the possibility of scripts.

I love Moi and shall definatly be using it throughout the Final year of my Product Design degree. Keep up the great work!

Thanks for all the help guys!

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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5895.7 In reply to 5895.6 
hi david!

here is quite a comprehensive list of MOI "add-ons":


and don't forget to check


~ marco
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