MoI running on Mac OS

 From:  mcramblet
I've been having an issue for a while with the launching of MoI. It wasn't a huge deal, but there was quite a lag from when I launched the application to when it actually appear on my monitor. It got to the point where I'd swear it could take up to 30 secs or so before the window would appear, when it use to happen immediately. I was poking around on the Wineskin development site and saw that the latest version listed a "fix":

"wrappers should no longer leave tons of useless savedState folders in "~/Library/Saved Application State" If you have extras in there, you can safely trash them."

MoI (on a Mac) is using a previous version of Wineskin, so I wondered if this issue was happening on my Mac. I looked in this directory and yes, indeed, I had about 500 or so savedState folders. It made me wonder if every time I launched MoI, Wineskin was spending time reading through all of these files and folders. I selected all but the latest version and deleted them. I then launched MoI to see if there was any effect and it instantly started up, the lag was gone!

This made me a happy camper, so I thought I'd pass this little tip along for other Mac users who may have been having a similar experience. It looks like it is worthwhile to periodically clean this folder out of the extra savedState preferences that Wineskin keeps adding. I did a quick search in the forum and I didn't see that this was posted before, so I hope this is new info to share.

Michael Cramblet
Packaging Design
Phone: 616-574-6271

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5858.2 In reply to 5858.1 
Hi Michael, that's great that you found a solution to the start up lag, thank you for sharing the fix here.

For the next v3 beta I've updated to the latest Wineskin now (2.5.9) that has the fix for this problem. That version came out only a few days before the last v3 beta release and so I didn't want to risk updating it right then.

It seems to be working ok so the next v3 beta will use this version.

- Michael
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