How to model the tip of a catamaran hull?

 From:  Klausb

I want to create the model of a catamaran hull but I struggle with the bow/nose.

The main part of the hull is defined by section profiles but the bow/nose is an edge (see attached pictures).

How can I model such a bow/nose.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5841.2 In reply to 5841.1 
Hi Klaus, there are some links here to some previous discussions on ship hull modeling techniques, maybe some info and examples in those discussions would help you:

One way that I think you'll see in some of those models is to have a 90 degree rotated profile at the bow so there is a transition area from regular stations to a 90 degree rotated station at the end.

- Michael
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 From:  Barry-H
5841.3 In reply to 5841.1 
Hi Klaus,
you can get a reasonable result by adding extra cross sections in the tip area
and loft all sections as shown in the attached photo.
If you want the file I will post it.


EDITED: 10 Mar 2023 by BARRY-H

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