Looking for MoI users who might be interested in some overflow work...
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 From:  mcramblet
5777.3 In reply to 5777.2 
Fair enough, I'll try to elaborate. Since we are a packaging company, the majority of projects involve creating 3D models of packaging concepts, which we then render to show the customer what the designs would look like, before any production takes place. When it comes to the conceptual concepts, we have to try to strike the balance between quick modeling/project turn around times and producing reasonably accurate/realistic models. This will vary with the different projects and will be known up front. Purely conceptual projects tend to be faster with less of a needed for high accuracy in the models. In some cases, the models will be used directly by our CAD department, which requires more attention to accurate modeling. Again, the level of detail needed, will be conveyed for each project.

The information that we have to work from also varies greatly. Many times the product is still being developed, so we don't have much to work with, maybe some general dimensions and a few pictures to use as reference. But we would determine more parameters before we were to hand off a project; we'd define what type of package needs to be developed and provide examples, existing or similar models (if we have them) and whatever else we can to narrow down and define what needs to be done. Other projects are very defined with exact dimensions and CAD models of the product to work with.

Any knowledge of packaging and/or thermoforming would be helpful. We like to show concept renderings with fairly accurate draft angles and radii and this is information that we can supply. We'd be looking for modeling only, we would render the models ourselves. Our project lead times are as short as a couple of days, others have a week or two. We'd try to limit outsourced jobs to those with longer lead times, to account for a persons workload, schedule, time zone, etc. As for the amount of work, it's hard to say. I think that would depend on the type of working relationship that develops, as well as, our customer demands. If I had to guess, maybe a couple of projects a month. We would provide project information, check on current availability/desire to work on the project and request an estimate (not a quote) for a given project, we would generate a PO based on the estimate. After a project is completed, we'd ask for an invoice for time spent on the project and a corporate check would be mailed out. At least this is the typical workflow, it can vary, if needed.

I'll attach a few MoI images to show the general type of work. Most are typical packaging related. One image shows a current (and non-traditional) project that is based on developing a mold with a sports theme. This is one of the projects that we might be looking for some help with. I hope this helps to define the type of work and what we would be looking for.

Michael Cramblet
Packaging Design
Phone: 616-574-6271

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 From:  Kaël (KAEL)
It's really great to provide work from MoI forum, this work is very specific and must have a good knowledges of the packaging to be effective, we hope you find someone who has the skills.

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