Request on object name and OBJ export

 From:  Samuel Zeller
Hi Michael,

Is it possible to be able to name objects (like an object containing multiple styles) and then export it in OBJ without having everything connected ?

That way I could use object name to organise big scenes while keeping the freedom of detached elements and parts in Cinema 4D :)

Maybe a checkbox in the export UI ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5768.2 In reply to 5768.1 
Hi DesuDeus - in the mesh options dialog if you uncheck "Weld vertices along edges", the meshes for each surface in every object will not be connected into the same vertices along common edges - that keeps the mesh to be separate pieces and you can then use polygon processing functions in your poly modeler to break the "islands" apart.

Also if you have multiple objects with the same name and you want to keep them as separate objects rather than having them combined, there is a checkbox option for that under Options > Import/Export > "Combine same named objects" (at the top).

If neither of those is what you're looking for then I guess I need some more explanation of what you would be trying to do.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
5768.3 In reply to 5768.2 
It's funny how I discover things after a while considering I use MoI nearly every day hahaha

Amazing :)

It's what I needed ! (not the weld but the Combine thing, never noticed that checkbox)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5768.4 In reply to 5768.3 
Hi DesuDeus, I'm glad that one does what you needed!

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
5768.5 In reply to 5768.4 
Apparently it doesn't work :(

I made a sphere and a cube not touching, each have own style, both named "test"

Exported to OBJ

Imported to C4D

Have 1 object named "test" with two polygon selections but not two objects :(
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
5768.6 In reply to 5768.5 
Hi Shapenoid,

if you don't give your objects a name and (leave it as unnamed) assign your styles then it should work.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5768.7 In reply to 5768.5 
Hi Desudeus, I kind of vaguely remember that Cinema4D may automatically combine same named things itself at import time... If that's the case then maybe there is an option in the C4D importer to control that import behavior or you might try using the Riptide OBJ importer instead and see if it behaves differently.

You can verify that the OBJ file itself actually has 2 separate objects by opening it in a text editor and looking for the line that has the object name, it will be like this:

o test

If you export from MoI with "Combine same named objects" turned on, then there should be only one of those tags in the file since there will be one object. If you turn it off you should find 2 of those tags in there, one at the start of each separate object.

Unfortunately there is not really anything I can do in MoI to change the behavior of the C4D importer if it combines things with the same name itself, you should look for a setting in C4D to do that, or contact Maxon to ask for a change in import behavior, or try the other riptide importer.

Otherwise you would need to give them different names I guess.

- Michael
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