A wish for parts and assemblies - Any chance ?

 From:  TpwUK
Hi Michael, what do you think, version 4 perhaps ?

I don't know if 3DM would lend itself to this style of object organisation, but like a master file that can load and unload parts (individual 3DM files) as needed freeing up memory as it closes the parts off, with something like an eye-ball selection for loaded but hidden, loaded visible and not loaded but available, and the master file keeping a database type of thing for co-ords and monitoring for ObjectName and StyleName collisions?

Possibility ? ... It might help more with the 32bit memory limitations

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5766.2 In reply to 5766.1 
Hi Martin, well the first step in this direction will probably be "components" or "instances" where you'll be able to define a kind of base template of an object and then have multiple cloned instances of it at different positions.

But at first I don't think it will have anything to do with linked files, but later on that same mechanism could potentially be extended to have a component defined in a different file. That brings about all kinds of file management issues and so it's a pretty complex area.

- Michael
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