New concept car

 From:  Raoul
Hi to all,

Find here my latest concept car. All modeled in MOI and rendered in Keyshot.

Not class A surface, but so much fun to work with MOI.

Thank you for this wonderfull piece of software Michael!

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Size: 795.7 KB, Downloaded: 139 times, Dimensions: 1937x1322px
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 From:  TpwUK
5746.2 In reply to 5746.1 
Nice - I see Honda, Ford and VW in there, it's a good concept

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  BurrMan
5746.3 In reply to 5746.1 
Surface Classification = location! Those are all class A surfaces...

Nice Model Raoul!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5746.4 In reply to 5746.1 
Wow looks really great Raoul, I like the slanted bars concept for the side windows! Gives a kind of motion feel just to the structure.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
Good model but it has very sharp edges. Just look on to car rimm for example. Yoг have to fillet a bit any sharp corners. Or as I heard Keyhot 4 have this feature.
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