List of commands?

 From:  mash (MASH3D)
Hi I'm looking for a list of the commands that can be assigned to short cut keys.
in the docs I found these

AddPoint, Align, Arc3pt, ArcCenter, ArcContinue, ArcTangent, ArrayCircular, ArrayCurve, ArrayDir, ArrayGem, ArrayGrid, Blend, BooleanDifference, BooleanIntersection, BooleanMerge, BooleanUnion, BoundingBox, BoundingBoxCenter, Box, Box3pts, BoxCenter, Chamfer, Circle, Circle3pt, CircleDiameter, CircleTangent, Cone, Conic, Copy, CopyClipboard, CopyClipboardWithOrigin, Curve, Cut, Cylinder, Delete, Ellipse, EllipseCorner, EllipseDiameter, ExplodeMove, Export, Extend, Extrude, Fillet, Flip, Helix, History, Image, Import, ImportPart, IncrementalSave, Inset, InterpCurve, Intersect, Join, Line, Loft, Merge, Mirror, Move, Network, New, Offset, Open, OpenTemplate, Orient, OrientLinetoLine, Paste, PastePart, PlanarSrf, Plane, Plane3pts, PlaneCenter, Point, Polygon, PolygonEdge, PolygonStar, Polyline, Project, RailRevolve, Rebuild, Rect3pts, Rectangle, RectCenter, Revolve, Rotate, RotateAxis, Save, SaveAs, Scale, Scale1D, Scale2D, Separate, Shell, ShowPoints, ShrinkTrimmedSrf, Silhouette, SketchCurve, Sphere, Sweep, Text, Trim

Is that all of them at the moment?

Also is there a command history or echo that can be viewed?

EDITED: 2 Mar 2013 by MASH3D

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5744.2 In reply to 5744.1 
Hi mash - that's the list for v2. The current v3 beta adds a few more commands: Flow, Twist, and IsoCurve.

In addition to commands you can also put scripts on a shortcut key as well, these usually do something like do the same function as clicking on a particular checkbox in the UI or doing some specialized selection things or various things like that.

You can find a bunch of scripts collected here: , and there are also some additional commands there as well that can be installed.

> Also is there a command history or echo that can be viewed?

No, there is not currently anything like that set up.

- Michael
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