problem with extrusion

 From:  Raoul
Hi Michael,

I try to extrude this contour.

When I extrude downwards, the whole countour is extruded. When I extrude upwards, only the inner contour is extruded.

Any idea what goes wrong, or what I am doing wrong?

I work with the beta V3 from 6/11/2012.

Hope you can solve the mysterie.

Kind regards,


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5733.2 In reply to 5733.1 
Hi Raoul:
i'm courious too the meanwhile,using -REBUILD- for outern contour with 0,01 default tolerance you can extrude in both directions
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 From:  Raoul
5733.3 In reply to 5733.2 
Hi m-dynamics,

Thanks for your input.

I just tested myself and indeed, rebuild is the work-around in this case.

Curious to know what it is. I also tested in release 2, but the effect is the same.

Kind regards,

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 From:  coi (MARCO)
5733.4 In reply to 5733.3 
hi there!

i spotted a few tiny hick ups in the outer profile..well, 8 of them..

after cleaning those "irregularities", everything is working as expected.

~ marco

EDITED: 24 Feb 2013 by MARCO

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 From:  Raoul
5733.5 In reply to 5733.4 
Hi Marco,

I cleaned the hick ups and yes, the extrusion is without problem now.


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 From:  Kaël (KAEL)
5733.6 In reply to 5733.4 

The file is attached with extrusion, just create a plan and make an boolean opération to remove a center part


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 From:  Kaël (KAEL)
5733.7 In reply to 5733.6 
It is true that there are some errors to connecting line

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 From:  BurrMan
5733.8 In reply to 5733.5 
Also note that the profiles are not "flat" or planar. There are out by a very miniscule amount, which can be throwing a tolerance mechanism out of whack.

If you switch to a side plan view and drag one of the edit frames corners towards the other, you will see a "flat" snap appear. Then the file is good as-is (But surely you want to fix the little pieces also)

You may want to review how your profiles became so messed up in Z. Usually, this is a cause of using some type of "make2d" command. This type of output really needs to be looked at before continuing.
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 From:  Raoul
5733.9 In reply to 5733.8 
BurrMan, you are right. Although I thought the curves were 100 % upon a XY planar surface, it is not exactly.

I projected the curves to a new XY-planar and used that new projection for extrusion. Now the whole problem is solved.

Thanks all for your help!

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 From:  Kaël (KAEL)

Here is the zoom of défaults

Image Attachments:
Size: 359.6 KB, Downloaded: 48 times, Dimensions: 1680x1050px
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5733.11 In reply to 5733.9 
<<BurrMan, you are right>>
He is ALWAYS right...

<< I projected the curves to a new XY-planar and used that new projection for extrusion. Now the whole problem is solved>>
I use same trick in cases like this,where there are too many points to check if -REBUILT- not give results
i think in this case -REBUILT-has cutted away not-planar points...
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