moi multitouch demo.
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 From:  routb3d
I have been fortunate to be involved in the testing of Michaels effort to implement multitouch in MOI.. Here is a video demo.. :) Enjoy!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5731.2 In reply to 5731.1 
Thanks for testing this new multitouch navigation Isaiah!

It seems like it might provide some new interesting options for people who are doing sketching style workflow on newer touch screen hardware.

Here's the video embedded for playing directly here:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5731.3 In reply to 5731.1 
That computer seems pretty slick itself... Does it get very hot while you are doing a lot of 3d navigation?

Would it be very workable for you to slide your left thumb onto the screen during regular use? I wonder if that could work like a modifier key for different things or something like that.

Windows does something itself ("charms" bar thingy) when you slide in from the right-side edge, but not the left-side edge?

- Michael
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 From:  routb3d
5731.4 In reply to 5731.3 

The computer is incredibly slick.. A shining example of state of the art computing tech. The Ativ never gets hot.. Has a Core I5 processor, 4gb ram and a 128gb solidstate hd. All in a 1/2" thick device. I seriously can't say enough about this device so I'll stop there.

Windows 8 does use the left side of the screen for app switching and such. That said, 10 touches leaves quite a bit of room for growth.. I was thinking that it would be nice to have 4 and 5 finger modifiers.. Keep in mind that each modifier "chord" can go a number of ways. 4 fingers can be swiped in any direction, rotated or pinched. each of these represent opportunities to control parameters or execute commands. A good starting point for multitouch commands may be to set 4 finger swipe left and right = undo and redo.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5731.5 In reply to 5731.4 
> Windows 8 does use the left side of the screen for app switching and such.

Does this only happen when you're also running some "Metro" applications?

> That said, 10 touches leaves quite a bit of room for growth.. I was thinking
> that it would be nice to have 4 and 5 finger modifiers.. Keep in mind that
> each modifier "chord" can go a number of ways. 4 fingers can be swiped in
> any direction, rotated or pinched.

These advanced gestures are so hidden and non discoverable though, that's the thing I don't like about having too many of them, at least by default.

For undo/redo for example, what about if there was one gesture like pressing near the left edge which you could do with your left thumb that popped up a toolbox in the center of the screen with 16 double large (double the width and height of MoI's regular already largish command buttons) in the center of the screen and you had undo/redo on that?

Do you really do undo/redo so often that you would want to have them on a special dedicated gesture that you then have to keep in mind all the time?

When there's only a small number of gestures it's so much easier to remember them all.

- Michael
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 From:  routb3d
5731.6 In reply to 5731.5 

Yes, the left swipe only works when Metro apps are running..

I don't imagine a left touch would interfere with the left windows app switching..

I do like your idea for the left thumb modifier or menu. Would love to try it..

Its only a matter of time before we have utilities to customize multitouch gestures that function across the board or within a given app.. I wonder how multitouch will play out.. With everyone implementing multitouch we could end up with the tower of Babel.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5731.7 In reply to 5731.6 
> I do like your idea for the left thumb modifier or menu. Would love to try it..

It will probably be a while before I'll be able to give it a try. But basically I did notice in your video that your left thumb was just kind of sitting there inactive the whole time but really close to the screen. That seems like something that could be leveraged.

Getting 2 hands involved a little bit like just one activation gesture with the left hand could be really quick - left thumb to pop up a set of big buttons and then right hand or pen taps one would be really quick. Then that makes a whole bunch of actions quickly accessible with just one special activation gesture to remember. I really kind of gravitate more towards that sort of "just one unusual special gesture to learn" rather than umpteen different predefined gestures, a whole bunch of different multi finger ones are not "browsable" and have to be all remembered.

> I wonder how multitouch will play out..

One thing that's kind of problematic is various different form factors. Like this kind of left thumb press would be tuned for this particular small slate form factor. Then the other thing is multitouch all by itself feels weird to me because trying to draw precision things with fingers seems awkward. But for flicking and tapping large buttons multitouch is great. So having the pen stylus in combination with multitouch seems a lot better for design work... But will a pen stylus + touch tablet become the common form factor?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
5731.9 In reply to 5731.8 

Rotating the orthographic projections is awesome. I don't many vector program that allows this kind action.

It's good news for me as I really like the sketch tool in Moi. This combined with selection methods and trimming/joining mechanish is just better than other vector applications I use.

This computer look interesting Indeed! Are the screen viewing angles good?

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 From:  routb3d
5731.10 In reply to 5731.9 
Hi Mark, the screen viewing angles couldn't be better.

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 From:  routb3d
5731.11 In reply to 5731.7 
> But will a pen stylus + touch tablet become the common form factor?

Well, with the number of next gen windows tablets being touch and pen + The thriving and innovative stylus market for android and IOS capacitive touch screen devices + the amount of art and drawing apps available, I would say that people want to draw. Currently, The best way to draw is with a pressure sensitive pen.. Until we are all wearing Head mounted displays and screens go in the landfills, UIs should be evolving and adapting to the best input methods.. keeping up with the latest will at least keep you in the running for the big jumps ahead.

Note: The head mounted display thing Is going to happen faster than most people think. My bet is that wearable display technology will be the fastest adopted technology in history. Faster than the smart phone. When did the first IPhone come out again? I believe that now is the time for Software developers to start thinking about what collaborative Augmented reality Uis look like through hmds. There is a gold mine of valuable IP just waiting to pan out for those that have vision.

You may remember that you thought I was crazy a few years from now. :-) Make sure to come back here and comment while you wear your glasses. :)

Isaiah Coberly
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 From:  Denis (DENISJAGUAR)
Nice Video there i own the 500T myself, they are incredible machine.

Samsung Ativ Series.

| CorelDraw Grahics Suite X6 | Daz Carrara Pro 8 | Moi 3D V2 |Cinema 4D R14 |

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 From:  routb3d
5731.13 In reply to 5731.12 
Cool.. I am going to be getting my hands on a 500T this week in order to fit a case to it. I design cases btw.. Take a look at the one I designed for the 700t. Check out the demo video below..

I am actually about to make the version for the 500t available for purchase from my web site.. I'm doing a production run of about 40 cases starting this week..

Let me know if you want one!


Isaiah Coberly
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
There is some pressure on all these screens with the graphic pen ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Denis (DENISJAGUAR)
5731.15 In reply to 5731.13 
I saw the video, very neat case you got there.

I have look at the video and the idea for the case is amazing. I saw in the web site the price for it, 99$Us right?

I might get one since I am looking for a case since I got this new toy.

| CorelDraw Grahics Suite X6 | Daz Carrara Pro 8 | Moi 3D V2 |Cinema 4D R14 |

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Great video, cool way of using MoI...

Maybe you know this but you can just do a boolean union instead of trimming on cases like the one on the video and for cutting the wave on the top of the leave you can do so on the ortho view by selecting the extruded leave and using boolean difference to cut with the curve...
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 From:  Eric (CHASTER)
This video just sold me on MoI. I have been using Sketchup with a bunch of plugins and am so used to it that it's very fast for me. However, I will need a tool that does proper 3D solid modeling (for analysis) and Sketchup won't cut it there. This video illustrates EXACTLY what I want to do. Once I get my new Windows 8 Surface Pro, I'm going to buy MoI.

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 From:  paulrus
I also have a 700t. Is this version of MOI available to download? I'd love to play with it.

Are you using anything like Artdock?

Looks great!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5731.19 In reply to 5731.18 
Hi Paul, it's not quite ready for download yet, it will be in the next v3 beta.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

I just realised what was going on here, a multitouch MoI, how cool is that!
I commend you in your ability to keep up with the latest hardware offerings, new ports, maintain and release new stuff for MoI, you are one of a kind, thank you for your efforts in making a lot of people's hobbies and work so enjoyable.

Just wondering if we would be modelling 'Minority Report' style in the future, it's very close with this controller

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