Scarborough 10in Sea Fishing Reel

 From:  TpwUK
Once upon a time, off the coast of Scarborough they used to catch 7ft tuna, they are slowly returning to the area, but were pretty much fished out in Victorian times, so here is a quick project I managed to fit in all in one day, V3beta MoI3d with OSX (offset was used extensively) , KeyShot3 rendering engine. Hope you like it.

Martin Spencer-Ford
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Martin, great job with the wood texture!

This reel reminded me of a fly-fishing reel I wanted to model.
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 From:  TpwUK
5681.3 In reply to 5681.2 
Thanks Mike, get stuck in and get it modelled then. All centre pin reels are based on the Scarborough and the Trentman reels, so simple they had no choice but to be reliable!

This didn't take too long either, from start of modelling to finishing of the renders was about 6 hours

Martin Spencer-Ford
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