beginner question about backdrop planes

 From:  Paulo (MADEIRA3D)
Hello all

I´m a moi beginner and I´m trying to start my fist part to learn.
I would like to try to use some backdrops for reference but I find it confusing how to align these in moi since moi doesn´t consider it geometry like rhino for example.

Can someone point me to some tutorial on how to best make this in moi?

Thank you
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 From:  TpwUK
5656.2 In reply to 5656.1 
If your reference image is cropped to precise size, and if you know the dimensions of height and width, draw a box to those dimensions to suit the view you have, then place the image using the corner snaps and everything should then be in place ... there is a thread here recently about scaling and positioning hopefully Michael will remember it and throw you a pointer to it.

Martin Spencer-Ford

Found it .... (see if that works for you)

EDITED: 18 Jan 2013 by TPWUK

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5656.3 In reply to 5656.1 
Hi Paulo, also when you are in the Image command manipulating an image there are snaps that are active at that time on the corners, edge midpoints, and center of images to snap other images onto those spots.

Check out some of these posts for some demos of how to snap images together in a few different ways:

Or like Martin mentions above you may want to set up some geometry first that is aligned how you need it and then snap the images onto that when you add them.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5656.4 In reply to 5656.1 
There are a few reasons why MoI is set up to have background images as a separate thing from "regular geometry" - one big one is that it's not very good to have the images too easily selectable since they often span across a large area of the background and they could otherwise interfere with selection of geometry if they were just treated exactly the same.

Also having them in a special category made it easier to have some special modes for drawing them differently than other objects, like for example in the Image command you can set the images to draw on top of regular objects and be transparent, that lets you use them as a kind of onion skin overdrop rather than only as a backdrop for example.

- Michael
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 From:  Paulo (MADEIRA3D)
5656.5 In reply to 5656.4 
Hi Michael

Yes I understand, these links are very useful. I hope I can start to understand moi and participate in the group with my stuff.

One or two things I also wanted to say:

I like the simple layout of the forum.I haven't used rhino for quite a time and sometimes I try to take a look on the news but their website is so cluttered with stuff that seems like a christmas tree full of lights, It makes me confused and I close it in 5 seconds.

I love the look and feel of moi, specially how surfaces,curves,etc all look great inside moi.
I also think moi have some workflow things that brings back the fun in modeling.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5656.6 In reply to 5656.5 
Thanks for the kind words Paulo!

And yes, MoI is really oriented around the idea of reducing distractions while you are modeling. Stuff like the display looking nice, avoiding popping up dialogs in your face and things like that are some of the ingredients that bring back that "fun" factor. Basically things are more fun when there is less of a feeling like you're at some kind of battle with the software, struggling with it to try and find the right tool, or answer the dialog that just popped up over top of your work, or whatever... When you're able to make progress more rapidly to make stuff on screen match the current plan of what you want to do that's in your head, that tends to make for happy modeling.

Of course that's not to say that you won't have battles with MoI too! :) But it's a big overall goal to try and reduce that kind of feeling as much as I can. That's what makes MoI pretty different from other CAD software. Be careful - it's very addictive! Once you get fully "into the groove" of working with MoI you can end up a lot more frustrated using other software than you were before... ;)

But it's also not bad to use MoI and Rhino in combination with one another, you can use copy and paste to move objects back and forth between them, and do more of your interactive drawing in MoI and bring stuff into Rhino to use particular specialized tools in there.

- Michael
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 From:  Paulo (MADEIRA3D)
5656.7 In reply to 5656.6 
I agree Michael

To be fair,I agree that rhino has some very interesting tools that even catia v5 license doesn't. I also like rhino because it's like this arsenal with tools for everything.

and I agree that they both do things that can kind of complement each other in some cases, I was just referring to the super confusing webpage wit all these groups for this and for that .

I hope I become addicted really soon. Congrats.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5656.8 In reply to 5656.7 
Hi Paulo, yup no doubt Rhino can be extremely useful - and I'm still proud of the work that I did to create Rhino too!

MoI and Rhino are focused on fairly different areas as their primary target.

- Michael
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