Modelling the DeHavilland Canada Caribou.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5638.8 In reply to 5638.7 
Resize your model to the gride, that will be more easy for the rest of the works:)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Aeromod (JOHNDENT)
5638.9 In reply to 5638.8 
Not sure if this is what you mean Pilou - original model scaled down by 0.2 ...........

I am now trying to construct a solid model of the nose section. My installation tells me that it is made up of a number of solids - but they display as surfaces ?

What I am trying to create is a single solid consisting of all seven "solids" (such as Nose Cone Port etc.)

I must be doing something wrong - but what ?

As always ALL help appreciated !


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5638.10 In reply to 5638.9 
Hi John, you've gotten your objects doubled up - the things that look like a surface but report as a solid are in fact 2 surfaces exactly stacked on top of each other with their edges glued to each other, making a kind of infinitely thin invalid solid.

The indicator will read as "Solid" if you've got a shape that has all edges joined to one another - it would take a lot of extra time to try and analyze the shape to look for invalid situations like you've got here, so that readout does not try to do anything fancy like that, if it sees all edges are joined it will say "solid" there.

So in order to fix this you need to select each piece that says that, and run Edit > Separate on it, and then click on it at which point one of the doubled pieces will be selected, then delete to get rid of the doubled ones. In fact you will probably want to continue deleting until you see that there is nothing left and then undo one step to recover the last one, just in case you have got actually more than 2 stacked up on the same spot.

This kind of thing can happen if you duplicate objects directly on top of one another and then use Join on them.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5638.11 In reply to 5638.9 
Just that not verey easy to use the gride with these proportions ;)

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 From:  Aeromod (JOHNDENT)
5638.12 In reply to 5638.10 
Many thanks Michael. Blindingly obvious once you point it out !

My original thought was, if I modelled this aircraft full size, then I could easily scale it down prior to building a real model.

However, I have found it difficult to pick existing points and edges accurately.

Do you have any thoughts on the matter ?

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Always model full size.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5638.14 In reply to 5638.12 
Hi John, it can help if you use a unit system that is more of a match to the full size of your object. Like maybe use meters as the unit system rather than inches.

- Michael
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