Object browser

 From:  BurrMan
Hi Michael,
There is a slight tweak to the object browser update you could make.

If you name and object, the case is ignored on any further updates to the name. So name an object with uppercase letters. Rename the object with lower case. Object browser has no change. The only alternative is to remove the name or change the text then repeat.

While here. Have you done any work on groups? Would the ability to tree the object names handle grouping? So create 5 items then give the items names, then select all and name those, having a tree develope? The only thing I can see with that, is there would need to be UI to determine parent/child. That could eliminate some type of new group section.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5635.2 In reply to 5635.1 
Hi Burr, thanks for reporting this Scene Browser bug with the object name not updating when only the upper/lower case changes - I've got that fixed up now for the next beta.

re: Groups - I haven't done any work for quite a while on groups, but I have though some about possibly having groups combined in the same section with object names, with there being a +/- type expand contract thing on a group. There are a couple of things that I'm not sure about, one is if you then have a named object that belongs to a group should there only be an entry for the named object as a child underneath the group (so if the group is not expanded you would not see it) or should there be a list of named objects all in one single spot like there currently is?

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5635.3 In reply to 5635.2 
I would think that the presence of a plus sign would indicate a member group. No plus, single set. Creating a group could be automatically minus sign tree'd, then a collaps when room is needed. A quick glance at the tree would indicate contents of a group.

But I guess it then becomes the discoverabilty of nested objects. Maybe selecting an object would indicate where it lies in the tree. Kind of like now, when you select an object, the selection indicator in the object list highlights and reminds me the nameset it belongs to......?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5635.4 In reply to 5635.3 
Hi Burr,

> But I guess it then becomes the discoverabilty of nested objects.

Yeah but also on the other hand it would actually be a good feature to be able to hide names too in general since when there are a lot of them it gets hard to navigate a huge list of stuff.

> Maybe selecting an object would indicate where it lies in the tree. Kind of like now,
> when you select an object, the selection indicator in the object list highlights
> and reminds me the nameset it belongs to......?

Yeah this would probably work, and I guess some option somewhere to "expand all" so that you could get a full list displayed too.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5635.5 In reply to 5635.3 
Also I have a general idea that it might be good to have "folders" which you could set up and arrange things in as another additional way to organize things in the scene browser in addition to groups, those could work in both the Objects section and the Styles section as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5635.6 In reply to 5635.5 
Something like the Ouliner of Sketchup where you can move any selection toward another selection ? (nested or unested)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5635.7 In reply to 5635.6 
Hi Pilou, yes something similar to that would be useful I would think.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5635.8 In reply to 5635.7 
Bon courage! That must be an headache to code :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5635.9 In reply to 5635.8 
Hi Pilou, yes there will be a lot of details to work out - I'm not ready to tackle it right this moment, I'm currently working on surface construction stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
...we can make a polling thread...??


1-Layer browser like parent-child system
2-Improve fillet engine
3-more tangency options
4-variable radius option(..just after fillet engine is better...obviously..)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5635.11 In reply to 5635.10 
Hi Mauro, the problem is you could easily end up voting for something that would then take me 3 or 5 solid years of work to finish just for that one feature.

The amount of effort required is a big piece of the equation as far as what stuff gets developed.

Just in general the questions received on the forum here work as an informal poll anyway - the more questions and requests that come in about needing certain kinds of tools will bring such things up higher in priority.

- Michael
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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5635.12 In reply to 5635.11 
..i'm just joking,Michael...
take your time and..first of all..take care of you !
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 From:  al (ALASTAIR)
5635.13 In reply to 5635.5 
I think the nested arrangement would work well for me, not least to limit the length of the object browser in some models.

As an example, I'm currently building a model of two townhouses. I have a sash window modelled in five separate parts (frame, top sash, ironmongery, etc) and imported from a separate component library. This is duplicated 20+ times in the scene at various preset widths, therefore if I need to select a specific part using the browser I then have to deselect several similar pieces scattered around the scene. A nested structure would allow me to select only the groups under an individual window reference (if I rename the top-level object after each import) - five linked parts with one click, or just a particular part of a particular window.

Having said that, it would also be useful to have a text-based filter facility so that the browser would show only windows, door handles or whatever. I imagine that this would be considerably more work, but it would mean that I could select, say, all glass items that may otherwise be hidden within windows, doors, rooflight and fixtures folders.


A second point: Could a nested structure allow locking of objects within groups, relative to the group itself? What I mean to say is, could you lock the relationship of the components of a group to one another (so that the glass will always remain embedded in the frame, however I may accidentally click on it), but the window itself could be repositioned?
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)

Groups is one feature I miss in Moi

I don't if it would make sense but an option to select all the objects having the same name tag when select one would be handy.
This option could be in a little arrow on the tab like styles.

It could make a good workaround until groups are cooked.

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 From:  BurrMan
5635.15 In reply to 5635.14 
Hi Marc,

"""""""""""an option to select all the objects having the same name tag when select one would be handy.""""""""""""""""

well, you have this already. If you select a single object, it's object name will get a "half dot" in the objects browser. Clicking the dot will select all objects with that name. The part thats missing is a nested group method.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
5635.16 In reply to 5635.15 
Hi Michael, yes I know about the dot feature and it's great.

However I was just thinking for a way to have some sort of "onscreen" grouping action.
This would be much faster than having to click the dot everytime.

A simple example would be a top view of a sink, selecting one object would automatically select all the little parts.
Trying different furniture positions would be quicker.

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