Bug :: ? Fillet corners of curve, polyline, etc.

 From:  tyglik
Hi Michael,

From time to time I encounter a trouble while filleting a corners of curve. I'm sorry I didn't reported it before.
I don't know whether it can be caused by some specific angle which forms a corner. It seems not to be noticeable at least.
In case of failure of fillet I must separate curve and then filleting corner-by-corner -- it works -- or draw a tangent circle and trim all stuff by hand.
Any thoughts on it?

Filleting right shape fails... (3dm file)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
563.2 In reply to 563.1 
Hi Petr, thanks for posting the example!

It appears to be a problem with curves made up of 2 segments, things are getting confused and it is trying to use the same fillet solution twice. It works when doing it on separate segments because that uses the spot that you click on as a guide for which fillet solution to take.

I should be able to fix this up tomorrow for the next beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
563.3 In reply to 563.1 
Hi Petr, this is now fixed for the next beta, which I hope to put out later today.

It looked like it would fail when doing corners of any closed curve that was made up of only 2 segments.

Thanks again for sending in the example!

- Michael
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