Clamshell modeling help requested...

 From:  mcramblet
As a fairly new user to MoI, I've been using it exclusively on Packaging Design projects, forcing myself to figure things out. I've come up against an issue that I just can't figure out. I'm working on a clamshell design that an interesting, very curvy shape on the front. I can't get MoI to apply any fillets to a couple of edges, where I need to have some draft applied. I thought that the shape may be too complex for the fillet function, so I tried creating the bevel and sweeping it around the shape, which worked, but now I can't planar the surface to close the cavity. I think it's totally possible that I've gone about creating this in a less than ideal way in MoI, so I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas for me. It doesn't seem like it should be giving me so much grief, but I can't figure it out. The highlighted lines in the images are the areas in question. The model is also attached.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Michael Cramblet

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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5606.2 In reply to 5606.1 
I hope to understand what you want:

take a look at this part: points are not straight and,when extruded they produce a little curve difficult to fillet

i have moved these points in straight position with the rest of your shape
than extruded using tapered option obtaining a solid than filleted
then deleting a face and union all surfaces

sorry i have switched in Metric system so i did an improvisation (4 degrees tapered)
i think it works,hope you understand my example,take a look at the file attached


EDITED: 19 Dec 2021 by M-DYNAMICS


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5606.3 In reply to 5606.2 
Maybe select your curve
Press TAB
and write Rebuilb
you must obtain a dialog windows ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  mcramblet
Thanks to both responders. I see my mistake in the slightly messy geometry. I cleaned that up and things went as planned, after that. Consider this a lesson learned!

Michael Cramblet
Packaging Design
Phone: 616-574-6271
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