export help

 From:  nagelibre

Well it's a bit out of subjet... but I m looking for someone who can help me to export file from Moi3D to Octane render. I m testing the demo version, but I can't import obj files. It appear in the noddle box as a text but nothing appear in the preview window?!?

Does any one know?


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 From:  blowlamp
5604.2 In reply to 5604.1 

Octane works just fine with MoI.

Make sure you have the same units setting between both programs, i.e. both set to Metres or Inches etc and give parts different colours so that different textures can be applied.

The unit setting is important so as to retain the correct scale and the different colours ensure that the scene is visible against the background.

Right click in the highlighted red area in the attached picture to load in an OBJ mesh file.

Martin (2).
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 From:  nagelibre
5604.3 In reply to 5604.2 
thanks for this first answer, but there still nothing happen on my side...?

Is there a question of configuration for Graphic card or anything else?

This is a capture of the screen after import an obj...


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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Hi fred,

Do you have a Nvidia CUDA compatible graphic card?
From your screenshot no graphic card appears to be recognized by Octane.

The graphic card name should appear in this section.


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 From:  nagelibre
5604.5 In reply to 5604.4 
strange, I have an nvidia 260GTX, it's old, but it sould be compatible.

Thanks for your answer, I m going to check this ;)

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 From:  blowlamp
Do you have an nvidia cuda equipped graphics card in your computer, as Octane will only work with one?

You might be better off trying the latest Octane demo release v1.0 as this works with the latest kepler video cards (if that's what you actually have) and maybe looking on the Octane forum for help too.

Have a good read of the user manual, or you'll not get very far!


Go to Menu > File > Preferences... Cuda Devices tab, and be sure to enable your card.

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 From:  nagelibre
5604.7 In reply to 5604.6 
Thanks again, Martin

I get successfull by updating my graphic card driver.

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