import options - sorry

 From:  rhodesy
Hello im new so... sorry im sure this must have been asked before but I couldn't find it on the search. What other import options is MOI v.1 going to have? I have seen the question about DWG import (which is planned eventually but not for v.1) this will be very useful, but will there also be polygon import options like 3ds/obj? This will be great for when we need to use moi in conjection with a poly based modeler.


EDITED: 23 May 2020 by LEJOJODU27

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
559.2 In reply to 559.1 

Format Obj & 3ds exist ! (and it's the best at this date of all Nurbs modeler!)
Menu File / Export and choose your file format :)

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 From:  rhodesy
559.3 In reply to 559.2 
I think you have missread - i am asking about import options not export. Just so I can bring in some referance walls or something from ArchiCAD (for example) so I know that the work I do in Moi will fit in the ArchiCAD model. Wouldn't need to edit them just have them there as locators.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
559.4 In reply to 559.3 
Ah Import :)
problem with the import is that Nurbs is a system completly different than Poly !
As Nurbs to poly is some easy (when Michael works about :)
Poly to Nurbs is quasi impossible with even little quality!
So import is limited to some Nurbs format!
I don't know if even 2D format as AI (Adobbe Illustrator) will be inside?

You can also import an Image of projects and redraw over
Sorry for the mistake :)
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 From:  rhodesy
559.5 In reply to 559.4 
Thanks. Thats a shame. If you can create polys from nurbs and you can see the preview result in MOI with all the quads, it seems strange that it cant handle polys on import. Im sure if its possible it'll be done :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
559.6 In reply to 559.1 
> What other import options is MOI v.1 going to have?

Hi Rob, I'm planning on reading 2D curves out of Adobe Illustrator files, but that will be it for V1.

> If you can create polys from nurbs and you can see the preview result in MOI
> with all the quads, it seems strange that it cant handle polys on import.

Well, if you could import them you would probably want to do more than just see them on the screen, you would probably also expect to be able to edit them in certain ways, snap on to them, select them, export them to different formats, etc...

So doing an import would be part of a package of a larger chunk of general "polygon support work". I decided to skip this work for the time being and instead be more focused just on NURBS geometry (except for the polygon export of course).

At some point in the future I can see adding in some kind of basic support, but it will probably be a while before that happens.

- Michael
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559.7 In reply to 559.1 
Yes, I asked for this one too. I wanted to import a mesh character I have as reference to build armor around him using MoI. Instead I will take renders of the mesh and use them as reference image planes.
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