New user menu issues? they don't show up when first booting?

 From:  Suade (SUADE907)
Can someone let me know how to fix this. When I boot my Moi3d the top right close X, minimize and window buttons plus the options, help, browser, and arrow down buttons don't show up until I run my mouse over them. It seems like a glitch.

Thanks, I do have a legal paid for version.
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 From:  Suade (SUADE907)
5582.2 In reply to 5582.1 
Ok guys so I just downloaded the new 3.0 beta and everything boots up fine. My question is I'll be using the 3.0 version but once it releases and I have to go back to version 2.0 any tips on getting the menus working when the software boots up.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5582.3 In reply to 5582.1 
Hi Suade, it's a problem that started with IE9, some kind of changes in Internet Explorer had a side effect that caused this to happen on some machines. If you make the MoI window maximized when you close it down so that it starts up initially maximized when launched it should help to reduce the problem.

V3 is not affected because the entire UI system has been changed in v3 to not depend on Internet Explorer anymore.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5582.4 In reply to 5582.1 
Hi Suade,

Is it the Windows V2 you're using? if so, what version of Windows are you running and what antivirus software I had a similar problem.
Go with V3 beta for now which is pretty stable for a beta, has new features and it also doesn't rely on Microsoft Internet Explorer components which sometimes is the cause.

EDIT: Dang! Michael strikes again :)

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 From:  Suade (SUADE907)
5582.5 In reply to 5582.4 
Ok thanks guys, I'll give that stuff a try. Yes V2 was having the issue. I have windows 7 and the microsoft security essentials antivirus.

I'll stick with V3 for now.
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 From:  moritzbock (MORITZ)
5582.6 In reply to 5582.1 
Hi Suade,

try to change the UI Size (Options - General)

Moritz from Germany

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 From:  Suade (SUADE907)
5582.7 In reply to 5582.6 
Ok guys thanks. I did minimize then maximize and restart the software and that did seem to fix it. If it happens again I'll try the UI size setting. Thanks again for the support.
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