sketchup IMPORT with layers?

 From:  rado
Sorry if this has already been answered. Searched the forum and couldn't find the info I needed.

I have a detailed architecture project that I used Moi to build. Is there a good way to import into sketchup with layers intact?

I tried OBJ but even with smoothing / joining geometry, the model still ends up a mess. I was hoping there was some better workflow or maybe some script out there that lets you export in skp format with layers intact.

If I missed something obvious sorry!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5578.2 In reply to 5578.1 
Hi rado, sorry right now style information is not sent to SKP export, just the plain geometry goes over. That is something that I want to improve in the future though.

There isn't any mechanism set up for scripts to take part in the export process, so there isn't really any way for a script to help out with that in particular.

I'm not sure of how you can get that information to transfer into SketchUp right now, you might try bringing your 3DM file into Rhino and see if its SKP format export will do it or not.

- Michael
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 From:  moujiik
5578.3 In reply to 5578.2 
Hi rado, you can export each style separately to .skp, and IMPORT them in sketchup. They will come as components in sketchup. Just anchor them at the origine.

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 From:  rado
5578.4 In reply to 5578.3 
Thanks to both for your help.

Yep I ended up exporting each layer separately. Took a while but when / if I make changes in MoI I just import the changed layer.

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