Hi mushycraft, I haven't seen that launch problem before myself, although I have seen that there can possibly be a delay the very first time that you launch it. Does it eventually launch if you wait for a little while? Did it improve after a system reboot?
Also make sure you're running the latest 2.52 release of MoI and not any earlier version, there were some problems on 10.8.2 with earlier versions.
> In a perspective view I use forward and back to zoom in. In ortho views I'd like to
> be able to use up and down to zoom.
I'm not quite sure that I follow - you mean you want the zoom behavior to be opposite depending on which particular view you are in?
There is nothing currently set up for doing that, and I'm not sure about adding in an option for that because it's kind of weird to make different views behave opposite from one another.
There are a variety of options for controlling the Space Navigator behavior though which you can find under Options > View > "Rotate/Pan/Zoom options" button, then on that dialog there are "3Dconnexion options" on the right-hand side and you can set various things like reversing the zoom there, but it reverses it in a uniform way for all viewports, there isn't any setting for a different zoom behavior for each viewport because that would make for a much more complicated UI to manage it.
- Michael