Hi Shane, that's really great that you're getting more use out of MoI now!
> 1. I exclusively use a Walcom tablet and was wondering if there is a way to get
> control+click to function as the Mac default right click?
There isn't anything specifically set up in MoI for doing this kind of alternate right-click, but often times on Windows at least the device driver can be configured to do things like that. You might check if there are any Wacom settings that could be set up to make Ctrl+click send a right-click.
> 2. In Rhino I can scale a model by picking an origin point + reference point and enter
> a relative dimension like 3". In MOI it is asking for a scale factor.
MoI's scale actually has the same functionality as Rhino - in MoI you can enter in _either_ a scale factor or a point location. However the way MoI's UI works is that if a command has an input field in it, if you just type a character it will go into that field which in the case for scaling is the "Scale factor" field. But you can still use either the x,y,z or "distance constraint" fields by clicking on them and then typing in your value.
So for instance to do what you want to pick a origin point + reference point + relative dimension of 3", you would start by selecting your object, then run Transform > Scale, then pick the origin point (you can type it directly or click it with the mouse), now you will be at a prompt that says "Pick first reference point" but which also has a "scale factor" field in it. Now you can either click a reference point with the mouse, or if you start typing numbers without doing anything else that numeric entry will go into the "Scale factor" input. At this stage in order to type in an x,y,z point location numerically you will need to click on the x,y,z input box first before doing the typing.
Then once you have placed the first reference point it's similar for the second one - if you just type numbers they will go to the scale factor input, but you can click in the x,y,z input box or the distance constraint field if you want to set a point location numerically. You can click on either the x,y,z input box or the distance input box (both at the bottom of the screen) and type in 3 there and that pick the point with the mouse, it will then be constrained to be at distance = 3 units from the origin point.
One of the differences with MoI's UI from Rhino's is that there can be more than one field where you can enter stuff in. When there's an input field in the command options area any keys that you type without doing anything else will go into that one - if you want them to go somewhere else click on that field to put focus on it first and then you can set that particular field.
> 3. Is there a way to disable folding an active tool pallet when you click on it?
If you click on an inactive tool palette, it will activate and unfold - it's only if you click on an already active tab that it will then deactivate and fold up. Are you possibly doing a "double click" on some of the headers instead of just one click?
> Or better yet have all the tool buttons on screen at all times with no collapsing pallets?
No, there is nothing set up for that - basically if I planned to have all tool buttons on the screen at all times it would essentially lock the UI to not really be expandable in the future with new features getting added. It's essential for future expandability to precisely _not_ have all the tool buttons showing simultaneously. In the future at some point I want to make it easier to customize the UI to your own preferences, but there's a conflict between customization and other changes coming from new features so it's a difficult thing.
> 4. Is there a way to disable the view controls that appear at the bottom of the viewports?
That can be set by unchecking the option for it under Options > View > "Show view controls" :
Hope this helps!
- Michael