UVW issue from MOI > C4D

 From:  sneather
Not sure whether this will be too difficult to answer here. Perhaps I should post this on one of the C4D forums?

But, regardless, I have included one piece of a CAD file supplied by a client. The piece looks nice and clean in MOI. It looks just as clean when I export the .OBJ and import into Cinema 4D.
The problem starts when I try and add a texture as a UVW map. It's not a perfectly smooth image map, as it gets hung up on the seams between the four main panels (again, see the attached file).
Oddly, when I exported the similar model out of Rhino, the resultant .OBJ file allows a perfectly seamless UVW map of the texture back inside C4D.

There really aren't any obvious settings in MOI for controlling UV or Normal settings. But is there something I'm missing which would allow me to get better results in an animation app like C4D?


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 From:  sneather
5557.2 In reply to 5557.1 
Here are screen grabs out of C4D, showing the difference in the material mapping...
Image Attachments:
Size: 341.4 KB, Downloaded: 55 times, Dimensions: 1578x943px
Size: 267.7 KB, Downloaded: 51 times, Dimensions: 1578x943px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5557.3 In reply to 5557.1 
Hi sneather, the UV mapping that MoI exports is very rudimentary and will usually need to be replaced by a proper one inside of your poly modeling program.

The default one that MoI generates has every surface covering the entire texture rectangle rather than every surface having its own little separate island area.

In the future I want to make an "island generator" mechanism that will generate a better default UV map, but usually every poly modeling program has their own functions for generating a UV mapping by an unwrapping process, that's what you will need to apply on to your exported model in order to get a properly usable UV mapping set up on it.

- Michael
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 From:  sneather
5557.4 In reply to 5557.3 
Okay. Thanks. I hope you do, indeed, implement such a feature. But at least I know that there is no solution to chase down in MOI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5557.5 In reply to 5557.1 
Hi sneather, also if for some reason Cinema4D's own built in UV mapping generators are not suitable for what you're trying to do there are also some stand alone uv mapping tools you can find links to here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=5119.9

But basically when it comes to uv mapping MoI does not attempt to make a particular useful version of that itself, you'll need to use some polygon modeling tool to get that part set up.

- Michael
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 From:  sneather
5557.6 In reply to 5557.5 
Thanks. UVW mapping isn't one of my strong suites, unfortunately. But I'll probably need to improve that component of my workflow, one way or another.
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