New Apr-18-2007 beta now available
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 From:  Michael Gibson
A new Apr-18-2007 beta is now available from the download page:

New stuff:

New Construct/Network command, for building a surface from an intersecting network of curves. Also commonly called a "Gordon surface", or a "Coons surface" for the variety where there are 3 or 4 curves just on an exterior outline.

New Construct / Curve / Project command for projecting a curve to a surface.

New Construct / Curve / Intersect command for generating curves where 2 surfaces or solids intersect each other. This will also generate point objects at intersections between curves and other objects.

Updated boolean Merge command. Previously boolean Merge was a special mode of Intersection. This was pretty hard to find so I branched this out into its own Boolean/Merge command. Merge will extract a common volume from a set of intersecting surfaces, or also combine different solids together and extract all volumes as separate pieces. Merge was also tuned up to work with curve inputs as well now, so for example you can draw a sphere and a rectangle in front if it, select them both, and then do Boolean/Merge to "imprint" the rectangle on to the sphere and leave all the pieces.

New construction line option to rotate a construction line by a specific amount. This shows up in the construction line menu that can be launched by clicking and holding down on the tag that appears after you create a construction line. This makes it possible to easily construct a new line that is at an angle relative to some other line in the scene rather than relative to the world grid which the normal angular options allow for.

New div snap option for construction lines allows for snapping to different increments between 2 points. For example, setting a div snap of 3 divisions allows for snaps at 1/3 and 2/3 the distance between 2 points (or 11/3, or -5/3, etc...). To activate this, draw a construction line and pop up the menu, there is a new "Division Snap" entry there.

Added scripting support for rotating the view. This allows for creating keyboard shortcuts to rotate the 3D view with the arrow keys. To do this, use these keyboard shortcuts:
[Shortcut Keys]
UpArrow=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D').rotate( 'up', 6.0 );
DownArrow=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D').rotate( 'down', 6.0 );
LeftArrow=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D').rotate( 'left', 6.0 );
RightArrow=script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D').rotate( 'right', 6.0 );

Update copy to clipboard - if the only things selected are control points, copy those points to the clipboard as separate point objects. This provides a way to extract control points from an object.

Updated revolve and rail revolve so they can be canceled. Tuned up Rail revolve so it will trim the profile curve if it crosses the axis like regular revolve did, and also fixed a crash bug in rail revolve.

Fixed a bug where Transform commands would generate a lot of unnecessary object copies on every move of the mouse, until the command was finished. For larger objects this could consume a lot of excess memory and slow things down quite a bit.

Tuned up Edit/Separate to preserve selection when you have a face sub-selection.

Some other various minor bug fixes.

- Michael
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 From:  Thor (MCHANNEMANN)
550.2 In reply to 550.1 
Thnx a mil Michael,

you're just getting better and better :-D

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 From:  Thor (MCHANNEMANN)
HI Michael,

found one bug with bezier, or at least a weird behaviour,

as you can see in the attached screenshot and file, the left is the expected result (I tweaked the right object to get it) and on the right is the orginal output of the bezier function, it was created out of the for outlining curves, which has a dent in the middle. To reproduce you just deleted the faces of the right object, select all 4 curves and bezier,


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 From:  Michael Gibson
550.4 In reply to 550.3 
Thanks for reporting this Thor, I should be able to fix it for the next beta.

It is related to having exact arc curves on opposite sides. Sometimes these curves have to be treated a little differently when multiple curves are being combined together into one.

One of the next things I am going to work on is a better way for synchronizing multiple curves together - this work will help out in this situation and also for sweep and loft as well.

At the moment, if you actually add a 3rd section running down the middle, it will actually work better for this particular situation with arcs on both sides.

- Michael
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 From:  MrBraun (LORENZO)
Tnx for this new version Michael! ;)

MrBraun - Moderator
Cinema4D R10 and MOI of course!

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 From:  Edwin (EDWINTSI)
i LOVE the curve projection !!!
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 From:  Jesse
550.7 In reply to 550.1 
Thanks Michael,

I'm looking forward to trying out the new features! :)

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 From:  tyglik
550.8 In reply to 550.1 
Hehe... I was out for couple of days 'cause I was busy and I can see that you are still working pretty hard...! Let's hope that I will be able to spare some time and try new beta out and read all new posts as well.... -Petr
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 From:  jotero (TOROLF)
thank you Michael :)

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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
550.10 In reply to 550.1 
Thanks Michael G.! I can't wait to get home and try it out tonight!
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  JTB
This is very good news! Thanks Michael!

***There is always a better way to do things... Just find your Moment of Inspiration***

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 From:  Aeron
550.12 In reply to 550.1 
Thks for your wonderful soft Michael.

Can u explain again how to use the new div snap option cos I cannot find it anyway.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
550.13 In reply to 550.12 
> Can u explain again how to use the new div snap option cos I cannot find it anyway.

Hi Aeron - here is a better explanation.

To use div snap first you must create a construction line. You create a construction line when you are in a drawing command (for instance Draw curve / line) by clicking and holding down and dragging the mouse instead of clicking and releasing.

After you have done a click + drag to create a construction line, there will be a little tag that appears above your mouse:

If you move your mouse over that tag, it will light up. Click and hold down for a moment on that tag and it will launch a menu, this is where you can define div snap:

For example if you want to snap to thirds along that line (1/3, 2/3, etc..) then put in "3" in that Division snap box.

The divisions are defined between the 2 endpoints of the construction line that you drew. When you draw a construction line, it is defined by 2 points, the point you start the drag at, and the point that you released the mouse over.

Here for example I dragged out a construction line between the ends of 2 other lines, and set up a div snap so now I can snap to 1/3 the distance between those endpoints:

The divisions continue along the entire infinite extent of the construction line, so you can also snap to spots like 41/3 or -7/3, etc... , so it is possible to use the div snap as a type of quick custom spaced grid line.

Let me know if you need any more information on any of the above stuff.

- Michael

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 From:  Schbeurd
Woaw ! Terrific new features there !
I did not even had the time to test the previous version and here is a new one ! ;-)

Michael, I will not say that you're doing a great job or that your software rocks, it's too trivial !
What I will say is that if you come to Belgium one day I will be pleased to pay you some beers ! ;-)
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 From:  Alexis Flamand (ALEXIS_FLAMAND)
550.15 In reply to 550.14 
Great great stuff, as usual.
You're about to create THE software that will open NURBS to "standard" polygonal users and hobbyists.
If one day the "NURBS way" of creating objects is used by a lot of persons, you can bet you will be the one that will be responsible for the whole thing.
Pilou started a thread here, in France at, at,1463.0.html
Pilou and Schbeurd present the new functions as soon as you create them. Thanks to them, french users of Zbrush and visitors of the forum can view the wonderful work you realize. I wish to thank them for their great work, their help, and you for this marvelous piece of software.

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 From:  Schbeurd
550.16 In reply to 550.15 
>> Thanks to them, french users of Zbrush and visitors of the forum...

You mean french speaking users of ZBrush... ;-)

Added a summary of the release note on and on the French forum here at Moi3D

Thanks for the kind words Alexis ! ;-)
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 From:  Richard (RUSIRIUS)
Once again, awesome work Michael!
Looking forward to poking around with the new features!
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 From:  naxos
"Gordon surface"

thank you Michael...

those who ever worked with Studiotools can understand why this is one of the most wanted feature...

next one is progressive radius fillets / chamferts....

i hope i'll be able to buy moi3D v1.0 for my school within next summer hollydays...

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 From:  sk2k

great new version. The curve projection stuff is the most usefull feature to me. :)

I've updated the German translation.


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Thanks for this update Michael! I haven't been playing with MoI for the past week, but am looking forward to modeling something this weekend with the new beta.
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