Euclid's 'Elements' & MoI

 From:  SurlyBird
This is completely random, but I thought it was worth sharing:

I am working my way through Euclid's 'Elements' and MoI is the perfect tool in which to do it. This is the most fun I've had in a long time... better than any game or cross-word puzzle.

Euclid would have cried tears of joy if he had MoI.
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 From:  Joe (JOEPARIS)
5492.2 In reply to 5492.1 
That sounds like a damned useful thing to do. I have had Elements sitting on my bookshelf for years and your idea might inspire me to actually read them.
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 From:  SurlyBird
5492.3 In reply to 5492.2 
I think you'll really enjoy working through the propositions with MoI, Joe. I don't know if it would be considered 'cheating' (I understand why some might think so), but you can really see the geometric principles come to life using MoI. It's so elegant and intuitive and works so well with the text. Kind of blows my mind, it's so cool.

Honestly, I keep finding new, unforeseen and interesting ways to use MoI. It has become my secret weapon and my Swiss army knife. Here's a good example: I taught a class on game level design recently and I encouraged my students to explore MoI for prototyping because it was so much easier to use than Maya (which was kind of against the rules of the school, I later learned, due to legal/bureaucratic reasons). One of the students wanted to know how I made an arched tunnel connector tile piece (four tunnels blend into an intersection which could be used to layout a dungeon map). He looked at my geometry in game for a bit, trying to sort out how he would build it in Maya, then said, "Let me, guess, you cheated and used that cool program, right?"

I smiled and said, "It's not cheating if it gets the job done."

EDITED: 25 Oct 2012 by SURLYBIRD

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 From:  Samuel Zeller
5492.4 In reply to 5492.3 
Once you try MoI then poly modelling seems so old school :D

Also any other Nurbs tool in Max/Maya/C4D

It's just so fast to get the job done !
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 From:  TpwUK
5492.5 In reply to 5492.4 
Hear hear

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