Excellent thank you very much. I hadn't thought to use blend here, its not one of the tools ive played about with much.
I think I need to spend some time on the basics and getting used the different way of modeling... but thanks for your input that is very useful.
It's odd but I find myself really enjoying using Moi in the same way i used to enjoy sketching, even after a long day doing 3ds max and comping (which is far less enjoyable! - surprising what difference a nice interface and great anti-aliasing can do), never thought id find myself enjoying 3d modeling again.
Appreciate peoples time.
EDIT - Just tried your method, and although a slightly different shape as I was not following any guide, I managed to get the principle shape in about 5 mins as opposed to about half of hour messing on Friday. (just tested its construction by booleaning out a massive hole)
Will also have a proper read through Mike K4ICY tutoral as I should have done initially.
