BG images gone

I started trying out the demo in my company, working on a mac pro and then took the file with all aligned and embeded background images home to continue the work on my windows 7 maschine, but all images are gone and nomore displayed in the images list. depending of the filesize, they have to be in there, somewhere. the same happens when i do not embed the images. at this point moi becomes quite useless for my work. is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?
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 From:  bemfarmer
5490.2 In reply to 5490.1 
There is a selection to enable saving the images with the .3dm file, located in view/image/properties/ checkbox for embed image...
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 From:  TpwUK
5490.3 In reply to 5490.2 
Hi bemfarmer, they say in their post that they have embedded the files into the .3DM - The only guess i can make, is that the image is not truly embedded and is loaded back from an explicit path for the images, and just the co-ordinations are what gets embedded (along with the path). Just a guess though, if this is the case then the file paths will all be to cock because of the windows v's mac file structures.


EDITED: 19 Oct 2012 by TPWUK

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But as I embeded all the images, and i certainly did, should the mac/win file system not be the problem? The 3dm filesize has grown by the amount of the images, so it should be there ...
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 From:  bemfarmer
5490.5 In reply to 5490.3 
The file size for a save to *.3dm, with the image embedded, is larger than if just the Nurbs only is saved.

Edit: So something else is wrong?
Edit: So the image must be in the .3dm file, just not compatible with the windows display???
What kind of file format was the original image?
(I'll await Michaels answer.)
Maybe the file, or a test file, could be posted?

EDITED: 19 Oct 2012 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5490.6 In reply to 5490.4 
Hi Ollobert, is it possible for you to send me the file so I can take a closer look at what's going on from inside the debugger?

You can e-mail it to me at if you want to keep it private.

There is probably some bug involving the different file paths between windows and mac but normally when it's embedded it should not have to access the original file path anyway though... So it would be good to have the file to test with.

In the meantime to fix up your file you could bring all the images with you onto your windows machine, and then go to the properties of each background image and update the "Image file:" path there to make it read in that image file and then that should get you going again.

- Michael
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5490.7 In reply to 5490.6 
hi micheal,
the file is on its way. unfortunately i can not update the image's paths, because they are no more displayed in the list, neither in the embeded nor the unembeded file version.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5490.8 In reply to 5490.7 
Hi oli, thanks for sending the file - over here your embedded images show up fine on Windows, is it possible that you've set tranparency to 100% in the image options ?

> because they are no more displayed in the list, neither in the embeded nor the unembeded file version.

It's normal that only the base file name is displayed in the list and not the full path because there isn't much space in the list.

But if you click on one image in the list to select it, you can then push the "Properties" button here:

That will open up a dialog where you can edit the path. Also you should be able to put the .tif files into the same folder as the 3DM file and then push the "Reload" button on that properties dialog and it should then reload the image at that point.

Are you maybe using an old version of MoI on Windows ? Maybe there is some problem with some specific MoI version, I'm testing with the current v3 beta over here where your embedded image seem to show up ok.

- Michael

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5490.9 In reply to 5490.8 
thanks for the help, but my image list is completely blank, displaying no file names, and all buttons except "add" are greyed out.
currently i am using the 30-day trial version from the homepage (2.0). also tried it on a windows 8 vmware machine with the same result.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5490.10 In reply to 5490.9 
Hi oli, so now I think I see what's going on - it is a bug with background images not being read in to MoI v2 from files saved from MoI v3.

The Mac MoI version that you're using at v2.5 is actually based off of the v3 beta and so it's more similar to v3 and there is a problem with moving background images from v3 back into v2.

I seem to remember this as being some kind of side effect from moving in MoI v3 to saving to the Rhino v4 3DM format instead of the Rhino v3 3DM format that was used in v2 and v1.

Right now the main way to solve it would be to use the v3 beta on windows rather than the v2 trial version. At the moment I do not have any proper solution for background images to go from v3 (or v2.5x mac) into v2, sorry.

Basically an incompatibility problem specifically for background images when newer generation 3DM files get read into the previous generation v2 handler for them.

Right now the mac and windows trial versions are kind of out of sync with each other, since the mac version is new and is based off of the v3 code base. The trial versions will get synced up with one another going forward from here, so when v3 is released the mac and windows trial versions of v3 will not be out of sync in this same way that they currently are.

Hope that explains what you've run into anyway...

- Michael
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5490.11 In reply to 5490.10 
ok. that seems to explain everything, so for now i will stick to one system and continue testing ;-)
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