Tapered Extrude

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

Lovin' the new tapered feature in Extrude, just wondering if it would be feasible to implement 'Flip' next to the angle input, saves from putting in a negative value if you need the taper to go the opposite way.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5403.2 In reply to 5403.1 
Hi Danny, does it happen that you need to do different opposite directions tapered extrudes within the same modeling session, like some positive and some negative of the same angle value?

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5403.3 In reply to 5403.2 
Hi Michael,

> does it happen that you need to do different opposite
> directions tapered extrudes within the same modeling
> session, like some positive and some negative of the same angle value?

Yeah that, and even when initially making a new Extrude and the result is opposite to what is wanted, like in the screen shot, I want the taper to go in the opposite direction, so it's a matter of hitting tab twice and entering a negative value, not a problem really just the convenience of it all.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5403.4 In reply to 5403.3 
Hi Danny, I've set it up like this for the next beta, will this do the trick? :

I'll be out on vacation for a week here soon so the next beta will be maybe 3 or so weeks away or something like that.

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5403.5 In reply to 5403.4 
That'll do nicely Mr Gibson, thanks! :)

> I'll be out on vacation for a week here soon
> so the next beta will be maybe 3 or so weeks
> away or something like that.

Not a problem Michael, you and your family go and have a nice vacation and enjoy yourselves..............hope you're leaving enough carrots for JoJo ;)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5403.6 In reply to 5403.5 
Thanks Danny, yup JoJo will be visiting some friends where she will definitely get some carrots to munch on while we are gone.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

Just another question about Tapered Extrude, when I extrude a profile, say a simple circle, with no cap ends and select 'Tapered' the ends are capped again. Is it just for solids? Can it work with no capped ends or even open profiles creating a tapered surface?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5403.8 In reply to 5403.7 
Hi Danny, yeah the geometry library function that is being used for making the tapered extrude requires a closed loop of curves as part of how it works - it constructs some planar faces for part of its calculation and that's only valid with a closed loop. So yeah that's only something that can make stuff from closed profiles currently.

Also as a side effect of the particular way it does its construction it does not have any way in it right now to turn off end caps, that's why the "Cap ends" checkbox gets hidden when you engage the tapered extrusion.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
5403.9 In reply to 5403.8 
Okay Thanks.

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