intersection line - plane
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 From:  Rudl
5398.3 In reply to 5398.2 
> In what way? Do you mean while drawing a point object? Yes - you can use construction lines in any "drawing" command where MoI is asking you to pick a point location.

No, when I want to move a point of a rectangle for example. I define one c-line and another and use the intersection; also an example.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5398.4 In reply to 5398.3 
Hi Rudl,

> No, when I want to move a point of a rectangle for example.

That's easiest to do using the Transform > Move command where you pick 2 points (basically the "move from" and "move to" points) to do the movement rather than the quick dragging method.

So turn on control points for your rectangle, select the point you want to move, then run Transform > Move, and then pick the "from" point snapped on to that control point you want to move and then for the "to" point you'll be able to set up construction lines then.

It's not so easy to use construction lines when you're doing the direct dragging instead because the drag happens so quickly with your mouse button already held down.

- Michael
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