Hi nekro,
> the 3dmCurves2DXF does not work with my CAD/CAM Program (NCCAD) unfortunatly.
> As it shows an empty file.
Are you trying to export a solid object using that converter? Because that converter only converts curve objects, like for example lines and rectangles, not solids.
If you tried to convert a solid and there were no "standalone" regular curves in the file, then that's normal that you would get an empty file as the result since it would not find anything to convert.
The DXF file that the converter produces uses SPLINE entities for all the curves - it could be possible that your receiving application does not support that kind of entity and instead only processes polylines or lines or other kinds of entity types like that, I'm not sure since I am not familiar with that program.
If the Rhino export works best, then using Rhino for the data transfer may be your best option, it also works well to use MoI and Rhino in combination with one another.
- Michael