Video Tutorial: Fluted Doric Column

I uploaded a new video tutorial that introduces image planes, trims, and booleans for creating a fluted column inspired by the Doric Order.

I've also posted on the process I have come up with for producing these videos using free tools like CamStudio, Windows Movie Maker, and Avid Free DV. Soon I'll also post the custom Windows Media encoding profile I created for movie Maker that allows me to save 800x600 videos as well as the Quicktime encoding settings I have come up with that has produced 800x600 videos at about 0.9 Megabytes per minute of footage. I'm still tweaking these settings though and will post them when they are finalized.
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 From:  phlatt5th (P5TH)
533.2 In reply to 533.1 
Excellent tutorial, the video quality is very clear and well paced ! thanks Joe :)
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 From:  Richard (RUSIRIUS)
Joe, thank you!
This is absolutely fantastic.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
533.4 In reply to 533.1 
Hey Joe, this is really great!

That is a very nice result, nice compact file size for a pretty lengthy video.

Thanks for posting the details about how you made it, I think I'll be doing some of these too after a bit and your notes will help!

- Michael
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 From:  3d-penguin

Hey Joe, I can't watch the video. Could you please offer a downloadable version? This would also be very nice for people who have only temporary internet access. Thanx.

Edit: Me forgot to try rightclick, save as. Don't worry. Now i can convert it.

EDITED: 7 Apr 2007 by 3D-PENGUIN

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533.6 In reply to 533.5 
Yep, I'm glad the right-click "Save Link As" worked for you. I'll start posting a text link noting that the videos can be downloaded. They can also be distributed, altered, and shared under the Creative Commons license I posted a link to at the bottom of the page.
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533.7 In reply to 533.4 
Michael I will be happy to share my video encoding workflow and I'm glad people are finding some use from these videos because it makes me anxious to get started on more. I'm already planning out the videos for the rest of the Greek temple, then I want to do something mechanical, like a pocket knife maybe.
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 From:  goney3
533.8 In reply to 533.7 
That sounds really cool Joe! :)
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